Chapter 22

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Michael's POV

Tyler and I sat in our seats at the concert while Ed Sheeran played Lego House.

The next song that he played was Thinking Out Loud.

I listened and honestly thought about Tyler.

"Baby, we found love right where we are."

"Do you think that's true?" I asked.


"Finding love."

He shrugged. "I don't know." He said. "What about you?"

"I think love finds you." I said. "I think it finds two people that are supposed to be together and brings them together."

He aw'd. "That's cute."

I smiled and my cheeks burned.

We were silent for a moment as we listened to the music.

"I'm sorry, Tyler."

He gave me a confused look. "For?"

"Everything." I said. "I'm sorry for not trusting you. I'm sorry for getting angry. I'm sorry for being a dick."

"Hey," He said. "stop it. We've both fucked up. It's okay."

"But, I've just treated you so badly. I should have trusted you and I didn't."

"Baby, I left you for a year. I let you hurt for an entire year. I was with fucking Jacob when I should have been with you, Michael. The one I truly love and that I know loves me back just as much." He said. "It's okay to make mistakes, it's okay to be angry, it's okay to hurt. But, it's also okay to be okay."

"I love you." I said.

He smiled. "I love you, too."


We walked toward the exit after the concert and of all people, we see Jacob. This isn't just a coincidence, he knew we were going to be here. He must have seen my buying the tickets after he talked to me at the store.

"I did not expect to see you two here!" He said when we were about to walk outside.

"Yeah? Well, too bad you did." I said.

We started to walk away, but he once again opened his mouth.

"Hey, Bohn, you've done it yet?" He asked.

I turned around and gave him a death glare.

His grin ticked me off to the point I couldn't control myself.

I charged towards him and pushed him. "Get out of here, man."

"Michael, stop." Tyler said.

"Why don't you get the fuck out of here!" He yelled and pushed me back.

He striked my temple with his fist. I attacked him and tackled him to the ground.

"Michael, stop!" Tyler yelled.

A couple strangers separated Jacob and I.

Before anything else could be said or done, I was getting dragged out of the venue by security guards. Tyler followed behind. They threw Jacob and I out the doors.

Tyler grabbed my hand and pulled me to the car. I could feel my face throbbing where Jacob punched me.

"Did you have to get violent?" Tyler asked once we got in the car.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't control myself. He just makes me so mad."

"He's fucked up and he's stupid. You shouldn't let him get to you." He said.

"He's just waiting for me to stoop to his level."

"Yeah, but you're never going to stoop to his level. You are so much better than him and he's determined to make you think otherwise." He said. "Deep down, he knows you would never hurt me. He's trying to trick you, Michael. Don't fall for it.

He's a fool. He doesn't know you. I love you and I know you. I know that you would never be him. I know that you're better than him and you should, too. Stop letting him get in your head."

A/N: Hey, guyssss! So, school is finally out. It's been quite a few days since I've updated. I've really not been doing well and I've started doing some stupid shit and my life is just going down a bad path atm. I'm trying to get the help I need and I just need an escape. Everyone needs an escape.

Going in Circles(Sequel to Please, Don't Speak that Way)Where stories live. Discover now