Second Chances (Ashton Irwin)

Start from the beginning

"Oh, man," he muttered, "I'm sorry, Y/N."

"It's alright," you smiled, "It was bound to happen eventually."

"Well, you can stay here until you find your own place if you need to," Michael told you, "You know you're always welcome here."

"Thanks, Mikey," you replied, laying your head on his shoulder.

"Oh! Y/N, this is Ashton," Michael said, apparently previously oblivious to the fact that Ashton was still there, "Remember how I told you I'm in a band and we needed a drummer? Well, this is him."

"We've met," you snickered, causing Ashton to start coughing.

"Dear God," Michael's eyes widened, "Please tell me you didn't have sex while I was gone."

"Michael!" you laughed, "I just met him like, 10 minutes ago!"

"You still could have done it!"

"He only lasts 10 minutes?" you smirked, looking at Ashton, "No, thank you."

"Y/N!" Michael shouted, although you could tell he was holding in a laugh.

"Michael, I can assure you: we did not have sex while you were gone."

"Well, something happened," he stated, raising his eyebrows, "And I'm gonna figure out what it was." He got up to go get a drink and you kept your eye on him until he was out of the room.

"Dinner?" Ashton whispered, making you look back at him, "Friday at 8?"

"It's a date," you smiled, leaning back in your seat.


The next morning, you went back to Kyle's apartment to get your stuff. Fortunately, he had already left for work and wasn't home. You packed up everything and were out the door within a couple hours.

You stayed with Michael for a few days, finally able to meet Michael's other band mates, Calum and Luke, and the four of you actually became really close.

You were lucky enough to get the available apartment across from Michael a few days later and the boys were more than happy to help you move in. Ashton was a frequent visitor, of course – which only made Michael more suspicious, but he never brought it up.

The next week, however, when Ashton arrived to pick you up for another date, Michael heard him knock on your door. He watched through the peephole as you answered and Ashton leaned forward to kiss you. He suddenly burst out of his apartment.

"I knew it!" he shouted excitedly, "I knew something was going on between you two!"

"We never said there wasn't," Ashton replied simply, draping his arm across your shoulders as you closed your door.

"Yeah, Mikey," you shrugged, "I can't believe it took you this long to say something."

"I just had to be sure!" Michael frowned.

"See you later, Michael," you shook your head, smiling as you put your arm around Ashton's waist, leading him back to the stairwell.


When you got back from your date with Ashton, you changed into your pajamas and decided to watch your favorite movie before going to bed. As the movie was just getting started, your phone rang. You sighed, pausing the movie and grabbing your phone. Your heart skipped a beat when you saw who was calling, but you answered anyway.

"He-" you cleared your throat, "Hello?"

"Hi, Y/N," Kyle said quietly.

"What do you want?"

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