The only thing that couldn't abandon her was "Perrie Edwards". This fucking name was not leaving her alone. The singer. The model. The daughter of a billionaire. It opened so many doors. All it took was to say it and others immediately recognized her.

"Someone has a hard time lately?" her favourite girl in the club appeared behind.

Perrie was not quite friendly but she fancied women's attention every night. She liked that one who didn't ask many questions, just doing her job. This was not a chatroom after all.

The sensual hands started groping Perrie's front slowly and attentively. The blonde was unpredictable. Yet no one dared to replicate. Money did everything.

"I can feel the pressure on your shoulders." she whispered; slightly moving away the fabric of her tee to expose the skin.

There started the wet kisses. Teasingly kissing their way to Perrie's sympathy to tip a few pounds at the end of the night.

Perrie liked this girl the most because she was silent, followed orders and was submissive when she had to. Not setting more useless questions in Perrie's burning fire that she ignited with pain.

"Are you down for the darkroom again?" Perrie huskily asked.

"You find an amazing satisfaction in torturing me." she licked Perrie's neck from the back; sliding to her jaw. "But you are my special client, the service for you is widely accepted." her tongue stopped at the corner of the pink lips; asked to be welcomed into her mouth.

Perrie didn't react tho. Only shook her shoulder to indicate that she needed space. At this, the girl immediately drew back watching Pez finishing her drink.

"Let's see how much you will last tonight." she gestured to be followed.

The mentioned room was half dark, only a red light was pointing out the existence of people coming inside.

"Strip and lay down on the bed." Perrie's command was immediately fulfilled.

The submissive one had already experienced this kind of sex with Perrie. And was fully awared of how cruel Perrie liked it.

"Are you ready?" the blonde stopped the spiralling in the anticipating mind.

"Yes, mistress."

If Pez was sober or at least kind enough she would praise the consent of the girl, but she didn't care now. A hunger for screams born out of pleasure was gurgling in her stomach.

A torturous humming filled the room. Perrie went creative all of a sudden when her gaze fell upon the diversity of sex toys.

"Blindfolded or—"

"Surprise me."

"Don't talk over me." Perrie noted coldly.

"I'm s-sorry."

Perrie hated hearing THAT "sorry". No one cared for the apologize, anyway.

"I was going to give you a chance to choose but now..." Pez tied the cloth around her head.

"You always excite me." she widely smiled.

Perrie's attention was caught by the spreader bars which she quickly attached to the legs.

"I fancy a lot your desire for teasing today."

"Nobody asked you." Pez curtly cut her off.

Restraining her wrists with ropes above the bed frame.

"I used to like you because you are the only one who keeps her mouth shut."

Perrie approvingly hissed when her hands wrapped around a wand vibrator and nipple clamps.

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