Chapter 2 - The Waiting Game

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I jumped out over the boulder and crouched down, getting ready for the truck to pass us

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I jumped out over the boulder and crouched down, getting ready for the truck to pass us. The big wheels rolled past me and I quickly slapped the explosives on it. Dy crouched down next to me, the trigger in her hand.

"Ready?" she asked and looked at me with a mischievous smile.

"Blow it up," I said and nodded.

She pushed the button and there was a second where everything was silent. Not even the wind moved. It was as if the whole world just held its breath until the explosion finally disturbed the silence. It was very loud, and I was pretty sure I was going to ruin my ears if I kept staying this close to them. Not that my hearing had been stellar since my first explosion.

Dy had slapped her arm around me and pressed me to her body. She knew I sometimes didn't do well with the explosions. Not since I had lost my arm.

"You alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I rose to my feet and checked out the wreckage. "Reckon we can salvage anything?"

"Nah, we don't need anything they have anyways. It was a food truck."

"Gods and spirits, we need less gunpowder in there, next time," Huck said and waved some of the smoke from the burning truck out of his face. He pulled the round goggles up to his forehead and replaced them with his regular glasses. "This is overkill."

"They'd shoot us on sight," Dy noted and looked down at her friend.

"So? We're not them. We're supposed to be better." Huck sent Dy a pointed look. "We don't have to blow up the drivers."

Dy shrugged and left us by the boulder, going to investigate the truck.

"She's so angry lately," Huck muttered.

"I think she's tired," I replied and glanced at him.

"We're all tired. That doesn't make all of us bloodthirsty."

I didn't reply to that. I had no reply because honestly, he was right. Dy was very angry lately and I could understand why. We had been out here for months, not getting closer to figuring out why the spiritual energy was so weak in Andaheim. What was blocking it.

I joined Dy by the truck as she scooped out some stuff from the boot. "What did you find?"

"Medicine, it seems. Gonna be good to take back to camp."

I nodded a bit and ran my hand through my hair. It made Dy smile for the first time in days.

"Still getting used to it being so short?" She ran her hand through it too, grabbing a fistful of it.

"It's so light and easy. Why didn't I cut it off before?" I grinned up at her.

She snorted and tipped my head up, bending down, placing her lips on mine. Being goofy still made her smile, thank the spirits. If I could just keep her this mellow for the rest of the day, I'd be a winner.

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