"Alright," the green eyed girl replies, "Are you going to your dorm now?" She asks, raising an eyebrow, looking up at him.

"Where are you going?" Fred asks, making Carina narrow her eyes. This could end really badly...

"To the library," she answers, running a hand through her hair. "Are you joining?" The question is clearly sarcastic, but Fred nods anyway, surprising her. "Wait, seriously?" They're already halfway through the Hogwarts Bridge. It's pretty clear he is being truthful about coming with her.

"I need to study anyway," Fred says, making Carina snort and nod. "Hey!" He chuckles, shaking his head.

"But you do though," she points out, grinning, "I've seen you in class... Though, for someone who doesn't pay attention at all, you do pretty okay," it's not a lie, she knows for a fact that Fred and George are the type of students who don't need to study to pass a subject. She's not that lucky.

Fred smirks, "So, you stare at me in class then?" He tells her, feeling his ego inflate at the thought. "Fantasising about me, Malfoy? Is that it?"

"I'm never speaking to you again," she rolls her eyes dramatically, not being able to stop the smile on her face when Fred laughs. "We're studying in silence, alright?" Carina takes the key out of her pocket and unlocks the door before letting Fred through. She deactivates the alarm that Madam Pince has set and walks over to a table, setting down her parchment and quill.

The ginger watches her as she sings quietly to herself while looking for the books she wants to read. Is she singing in Spanish? Fred sits down in front of where she left her stuff, resting his chin on his hand. What he would give to just walk over to her, wrap her legs around his hips and kiss her roughly against the bookshelf... Just the idea of her mouth on his, her hands scratching his back - "How long have you been coming to the library illegally?" He asks, shifting in his seat once she returns, setting the books down and sitting on her usual spot.

"It's not totally illegal," Carina points out, nodding at the keys. Fred chuckles in response, "Madam Pince knows, that's enough for me," she opens the book on Divination, going straight to the page where she left off last night.

There are twelve courses offered to the Fourth and Fifth years at Hogwarts for their O.W.Ls. From those, one is to take at least seven. Carina, however, takes them all. Evidently, there are not enough hours in a day for her to go to every single class, so she has an understanding with the Professors. She turns in the homework, like every other student in that class does, and goes to the exams. Bill and Percy Weasley are two of the three students that were able to get all twelve O.W.Ls. They gave her tips and pointers on how to do that over Christmas.

"You're crazy," Fred comments, taking one of the books she brought, flipping through it. She looks up at him through her eyelashes, "Why would you take Arithmancy?" His tone is of such disgust, it actually makes her laugh, "I would rather hex myself once a day for the rest of my life, rather than take this awful class. How can you even understand this?"

After he finishes rambling, Carina takes the book from him, "It's easy," she says, beginning to explain, "So, you see, what this number means..." Fred can't understand a single thing she's saying, but he lets her talk anyway, wanting to hear the sound of her voice. Merlin, that sweet voice... it's unlike anything he's heard before, he could listen to her all day. "And that entails..." The look on her face as she tries to get him interested in Arithmancy is worth every second. "Can you believe it? You can actually tell the future with numbers! It's much more specific than Divination and you get twice the information," she says excitedly, before it dawns on her. You're being annoying. "Sorry, I -"

for the one i love ; fred weasleyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu