"Uh..." the Hale girl thought about it for a moment. Had she ever missed a shot? She shuffled through her memories but couldn't come up with a time the bullet hadn't landed exactly where she wanted it. "Well... no." she confirmed quietly.

"Exactly." the werecoyote stated.

"Malia-" Braeden warned.

"The sun's going down. We need to go." the Tate girl responded nonchalantly. "You coming or not?"

Braeden clenched her jaw but nodded silently and grabbed her ammo.

✄ ✄ ✄ ✄ ✄

Brooklyn looked through the scope of her sniper, while Braeden looked through some binoculars, as they checked over the outside of the building. The four of them were now stood outside of Fort Jewett at night preparing to go inside. The place was very industrial looking and not homely at all.

It seemed to be completely empty. No cars, vans trucks or motorbikes decorating the car park at all. It was engulfed in complete darkness as well, only adding to the fact that it looked like no one was there. But they knew otherwise.

"No guards. No lights. This place looks complete abandoned." Braeden remarked.

"That should be easier for us, right?" Malia questioned.

"Not necessarily." the mercenary told her, "Especially if she knows we're coming. You're sure this is the place you saw?"

"Unless there's another Fort Jewett." the Tate girl quipped.

"Maybe she left." Brooke suggested.

"Maybe Deaton's already gone." Theo put in.

"I'm not walking away on a maybe." Malia affirmed.

"I'm with Malia." Brooklyn announced.

"And I'm not walking in on so much uncertainty." Braeden countered.

Malia drew her eyebrows together at the mercenary, "You said you've been after her for years."

Braeden turned to her, "And why do you think it's been years? Because she knows what she's doing. She took Scott's boss for a reason. We don't know what it is. We don't know if she's back in Beacon Hills because she's missed you all this time and can't wait for a mother-daughter reunion or if she's planning to put a bullet in your head. We don't know anything."

"We know one thing." Malia huffed, "We know where she is." They all turned back to look at the building. Like her cousin, Brooklyn wasn't prepared to walk away and have Deaton suffer because of it. They had to get him back. Or else they'd forever carry the guilt. "I'm going in. I have to." Malia said as she took her first step towards their target. Brooklyn quickly followed her, however the other two, shared a concerned look before reluctantly going after.

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

The four of them had managed to enter the building unnoticed and uninjured. They now crept slowly through a garage type area as they approached where they thought the Desert Wolf would be hiding. Malia had taken lead with Brooke behind her, then Braeden and then Theo. The middle two girls held tights grips on their guns, keeping them poised and ready.

They rounded a dust-covered military vehicle and were met with absolute silence. Not even a tumbleweed blew past. Malia eyebrows pulled together as her brown eyes surveyed the area. "There's something wrong." she whispered.

2. Seeing Purple | Scott McCallWhere stories live. Discover now