Chapter Fiddy

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Lauren's POV

I always admired Camila's quick rush to anger, the way she'd be smiling like a child one moment and then slipping the silky slick side of a blade across your neck the next.. good shit!

Her judgment however was equal to mine, she'd never murder in innocence only ever in criminalising justice, daddies assistant was nothing less than a criminal.. he was the one to carry out the dirty secrets that my father hid behind to stop his money from leaking, if it did.. they'd steal someone else's! Now here he was again this time coming for me with his bluff I should have caught.. funny how even after my sadistic murder my father still has a way of haunting me.. too bad my girlfriend is a rouge psychopath and ended his life before he could actually deal out any real threats..

"My child, you need to sleep.. this work can wait until the morning?"

"Tía.. $18 million today alone.. I can't just leave this shit, they're obviously working on the clock.."

She sighed in my direction, always questioning my habits as when my claws sank I never let go.. she however was a little more relaxed and never shied from taking her time.. I should take notes but I guess I'm too stubborn to listen to anyone but myself

"Yes! It needs to be dealt with but we will do so in time! Not at 11 at night? You should be getting your sleep Mija!"

"I don't need sleep!"

"No? A big powerful woman like yourself doesn't need sleep! Well forgive me! I forgot you weren't a human being!"

Snarky.. sharp and patronising! The Jauregui mixture as I'd liked to call it in the past.. however she was serious, when Lena had something in her head she'd rarely ever let it go.. trust me I knew...

"I'm just saying! This could be bad if it gets left.."

"You need to go to bed Lauren!"

"But Tía-

I began with a raised aggravated tone quickly halted by the slamming of her hand down over the paperwork in front, the look of death now dominating my train of thought as she reached across the desk to grab at my chin as if a child, my body moving from the chair slightly as she pulled me forwards into her icy cold stare

"I don't expect childish behaviour from you Michele! Arguing with me and raising your voice! Pack up your shit and go to bed! This work will still be here in the morning!"

Fuck OFF you patronising piece of shit!

"Yes Auntie!"

I wouldn't dare... I slipped my finger across the screen to turn it off before standing to straighten my dress out with an annoyed huff of air, the fact I was even listening to orders like a child bewildering me however I knew better than to challenge the woman.. shit she was just an older more powerful version of me.. dangerous

She eyed me the entire walk from the office making sure I was actually leaving as I head towards the hall in which our bedrooms were situated, Camila was already asleep I knew that much as the texts back and forth quickly trailed off at around 10:15 but when entering the hall I only jumped at the sudden body appearing in the space

"SAM! What the fuck are you doing down here?"

"Ai back up! I was just hanging out with Marco! What are you the hall cop?"

I rolled my eyes instantly hating how careless he was being as he leaned back into the wall with smugly folded arms, his face indicating he wasn't at all bothered by my scold as he wiggled his brows to await my next answer

"You're gonna get yourself caught idiot! Late night sex calls aren't exactly going to make miss Camila happy.. her little Marco being taken by her baby brother!"

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