Chapter 19

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Lauren yelled at the top of her lungs, her entire face flushing with a deep red while her palms grew clammy by her sides, the frozen guards stood half lifting the men from the floor gulping back heavily as her tall body began to strut forcefully back onto the floor, nobody said anything.. not even Camila..

"Somebody best fucking answer me right now! I said! Where in the fuck are my girls!"

A single guard stepped forwards fearing for his life however knowing that speaking would do him more favours than not, he lowered his head cautiously before looking up at the enraged woman almost promising to cut each end everyone of their throats with only the harsh look echoing from within her emerald eyes

"He was the only guard on the floor this morning ma'am, we assume a kidnapping.. this packer must have been in on it to kill the guard before he could say anything"

He croaked nervously awaiting his bosses crude reaction that only began with the deep breath swallowed into her lungs, her own composure shaky with anger as the younger stepped forwards to cup her lower back almost as afraid as the guards as those girls had grown to be her friends.. she cared for them..

"Lock this place down and don't come back to me until you fucking find them! Somebody bring Fallon to me NOW!"

She yelled storming away down the hall with the younger close behind as she pull out her phone to check on any updates from her best friend who usually scheduled the girls in and out of work each day.. they should have been in the cage.. no where else

"Lauren calm down! We will find them ok?"

"Don't tell me to calm down right now when three innocent girls have been fucking kidnapped Camila!"

Lauren spat harshly too overwhelmed with her own emotion to use her brain and realise the younger was only trying to help, Camila huffed angrily pulling the woman's shoulder around into her gaze before furrowing her brows with an evident dismissal of care for argument

"Don't fucking talk to me like that? We're on the same side remember?"

"I'm sorry ok? I'm worried about them! People around here don't just blackmail and mess around they kill people to prove points!"

Lauren defended back only terrified her precious army of powerful young girls were in some more than extreme danger, she knew the kinds of men that roamed the halls but forgot almost that the girl in front did too.. probably more so actually, Camila huffed with an awkward smile as she herself took in a deep reassuring breath

"Same world Lauren, you don't have to tell me shit I already know! Now come on Fallon's probably already in the office by now!"

Lauren rolled her eyes now following the younger who stormed into the office with a knowing face of fear she had well hidden from Lauren as the elusive Fallon stood pride and place ready for Lauren's mood as if armed for war

"You best have some good fucking news for me Fallon"

"Well, floors 4 through 6 are empty.. no sign, I'll get an update in a few minutes on the others.. looking at sign in sheets there's nobody here who shouldn't be, also nobody apart from the trusted circle that have access to keys"

She relayed quickly hoping to satisfy the woman's brain however with a sharp slamming of her palm over the table she found evidently that not to be the case, she was furious.. Camila.. scared

"It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that a dead guard means free keys Fallon! That packer shot him square in the head, he could have easily taken the keys to let them out!"

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