Chapter 6

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"Good Morning my princess, I thought you'd like to know your new toy is getting mouthy down in the cage.."

"Let her, she forgets I have ears everywhere, it will only be her mistake!"

Fallon laughed sadistically loving how perfectly evil her boss spoke as she circled her tongue around her lower lip issuing the same smirking gaze she always did in her direction sinking back in her chair to admire the tall beauty strutting powerfully towards her

"So.. how is she? Do you think you little plan will work?"

Fallon asked fluttering her long lashes before leaning against her palms to gaze down at the elder Latina who was undoubtably throwing her sex eyes from across the desk.. it was blatant Lauren had a gentle attraction towards the woman however Fallon never seemed to take the bate.. no matter how enticing it may have been

"There's no plan Fallon, just play.. don't I deserve that? I mean you were the one who said I needed a toy right?"

"That I did my snappy alligator however you know that's not what I mean! You have ways with your girls and bringing one into your bedroom will surely disrupt your whole 'building their strength' regimen?"

Lauren sighed with rolling eyes having thought that mere fact over more than a thousand times as her main goal in keeping the women was to build them.. not have them submit to their every need.. that would only make Camila weaker in mind if she wasn't careful rendering her useless in every sense of the word

"I prefer baby girl to alligator just for your information and anyway.. I've thought about it.. she may be weak and timid but her lungs are powerful, if completely at my submission she's nothing but a directional toy.. I can tell her what to do and she'll do it!"

"Ok 'baby girl' but just know a girl under your arm will always be weak.. the only confidence will be yours shining through her like a light bulb!"

Fallon reiterated and Lauren didn't bother to fight back.. it was true, the girl would always be weak.. she'd always be afraid and she would always be a yes ma'am girl, much to her recent tour of misbehaviour with a few weeks in the bedroom she'd be nothing but a pristine submissive angel..

"Call it an experiment! As you're implying she'll never be strong enough to fight back yes.. but.. for now I'm enjoying my little game so, if we're done here?"

"Miss Jauregui, I serve you! As requested, the girl!"

Fallon turned in her chair to lay eyes on Lauren's supposed new play thing widening her gaze as the caramel thighs stood delicately under the short black skirt, her piercing brown orbs like diamonds amongst a dazed storm, every part of her being down to the thick brown hair tumbling over her hips mesmerising as she stood to walk towards her

"She's so pretty! Like a little Barbie doll!"

"Yeah and your a fucking troll doll!"

Camila spat under her breath with a lowered chin that sank into her angry chest, the heavy scoff from the taller reaching forwards to slam her chin up into her direction, Fallon was scary.. almost as scary as Lauren some would say given her prominent features and as her boss didn't take kindly to disrespect

"The fuck did you just say to me princess?!"

"Now now Fallon! She's in training.. catch her in the hall way she's all yours but in here.. she belongs to me"

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