Chapter 12

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Camila's POV

There was something wildly comforting about the confines of the metal fences that surround me.. and by comforting I mean fucking crucifying... it had been two days since me and Lauren had that moment in her room and two days since she'd been ignoring me.. I'd been sitting waiting for my name but nothing..

I thought maybe she needed time to process what she'd admit but now it only seemed she regret it entirely.. I mean why else would she completely avoid me? I knew this would happen and I was stupid to believe for a second that it wouldn't.. it was over, as quick as it was anything.. it hurt..

After a few hours just sitting looking out on the mundane routine of the guards pacing back and forth I was startled by the loud clapping of a familiar pair of heels.. sad I know but I knew her walk, her strut almost.. it was different from Fallon's, more confident and direct, soon enough her tall tan body came floating into the room in front, her silky signature red dress and her black hip length hair swarming her body as it always did.. the only difference.. she didn't even look at me!

"She's probably just overwhelmed girl.. I mean it's not like she's ever felt.. feelings before.."

Mani spoke trying to comfort me as she sat beside my grumpy body, my eyes however were glued furiously to her back.. the way she leant over the wooden desk to speak to a random guard torturous as it was only obvious she knew I was here.. yet she stood ignoring me as if I didn't exist.. it made me feel sick

"She's ignoring me.. two days now and not even a word mani?"

"She looks off though.. not herself? Call me delusional but I think that's a good sign.."

I rolled my eyes chewing down on the string of the sweater Dinah had lent to me in an act of comfort, it worked for the most part but upon watching Lauren turn to speak with Fallon I was left with a painful tangle in my stomach, her powerful features and perfectly polished makeup leaving me more than intimidated.. not in the good way either

"A good sign how.. she looks just as power trippy as she always does.."

"She's off her game.. because she's thinking about you.. I bet she's been torturing herself figuring out what to do next"

She reasoned which for a split second seemed feasible but quickly turned to bullshit.. she was cutting me off completely.. but I can't ignore the conversation we had.. she loves me? I saw it in her eyes and she even cried while admitting it.. maybe that's why she was zoning me out.. I made her weak and she didn't like it.. either way it still hurt but I just wished there was a way to prove that I wasn't going to leave her.. abandon her..

"Well whatever she decides to do I hope it happens quick because this shitty limbo is killing me.."

Mani didn't respond, only sighed out as her head fell down to rest against my shoulder, it was nice having a little human contact after these few days.. it seemed now every second without Lauren's hands on me was wrong.. like she was supposed to be touching me..

Whatever it was Lauren had been talking about must have been stressful.. her eyes were vacant and her leaning arm bored.. she looked completely done for.. like everything in her head was black.. I hate to be the observer but mani was right.. she was really off her game...

"Why don't you do what you always do? Sneak out and confront her?"

"I don't know.. maybe later, right now it's pretty clear she doesn't want to talk to me.."


Across the building Lauren sat vacantly at her desk, Fallon's body approaching inside of the room before grabbing the gun from on top of her desk, the slow motion off her placing it down beside her feet drawing Lauren's attention with a stern confused glare

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