Chapter 7

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Camila sat against the cold fence lavishing in the fresh breakfast mani had prepared sinking slices of bacon and buttered bread deep into her mouth while the shiny new phone sat secure within her lacy bra, she hadn't quite noticed however the guard just outside staring in like a vulture ready to prey, she was calm and content.. waiting for a needed text that soon arrived with a loud ping that left her fumbling in her shirt to grab for getting to turn it on silent


The echoing voice grumbled forcing a deep swallow into her throat as she reluctantly stood with the phone in hand to walk towards the tall man, his hand covering the gun beside him as he too strolled to walk forwards, she trembled on her breath as he extend out his finger curling it sadistically to motion her closer before snatching the phone from within her palms

"Hey! Give that back it's mine! What are you doing!"

"12:30 huh? What another booty call? You know you can't have phones in here!"

He spat before grabbing the keys starched to his belt unlocking the heavy door grabbing her by the shirt to pull her through slamming her back against the cold with a grimacing glare waving the phone in hand beside his head

"Miss Jauregui gave it to me! It's not yours!"

"Oh really? She gave you this? What do you can go and be her dirty little slut? Let's see how mad she gets when you don't turn up!"

With those spiteful words he dropped the phone into the floor slamming his foot overtop forcing out a gasping echo from the girl in front before grabbing her by the throat turning her around to press back into his armed body, her small hands clawing after his wrists with a heavy scream feeling her legs being dragged back away from the peering eyes

"GET OFF OF ME! She'll fucking kill you! Don't touch me!"

"Oh I can touch you wherever I want little girl! You're nothing but a slave!"

He growled into her ear sinking one of his hands down to trail her inner thigh taking a heavy grab only setting a deep tremble of fear into her shaking torso, he was too strong to fight against.. too tall to run away from leaving her no choice but to squirm around like a tantrum induced toddler

"Get off of me you fucking asshole! Get off!"

She screamed alerting the other girls from their rooms to come slamming against the fence yelling for help at another guard who had ventured across the hall just in sight of their begging tones, immediately he ran forwards to intervene grabbing the tall male by his shoulders loosing his grip not before slashing his sharp fingernails across the young girls thighs, a scream of pain tumbling from her lips as deep scratches now covered her caramel skin, the blood trickling like syrup as she fumbled away from his grasp

She didn't know what to do.. what to say.. so she ran, she didn't stop once finding a marble staircase that swallowed her up as the pain shooting in her leg began to echo agony, Camila ran as fast as she could, her crying eyes and shaking legs landing her in the centre of Lauren's office with a trembling lip before the tall woman began storming into her direction grabbing her by the shoulder to slam her into a near by wall not even noticing the streaming tears ushering her blush distressed cheeks

"You're fucking late Camila! You were supposed to be here 30 minutes ago!"

Lauren called with a hasty spit pressing the girl back harder into the wall while her limp arms reach up to grab at the strong wrists begging for them to let go as the pain against her leg grew stronger and stronger, the blood now sure to be trickling town against her knee

"I'm sorry! I'm fucking sorry! Please! I came here for your help! I need your fucking help!"

The girl respond back clawing at the heavy wrists while Lauren cocked her angry brow with a stern yet secure gaze, each fibre of her body so overcome with rage she hadn't yet noticed the girls distress in front

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