Echoing Silence

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The same smiling girl,
At night has eyes filled with tears ;
She would have nightmares,
Which were sufficed with her fears ;
No one heard her silent plead,
To help her when she was in need ;
As she falls deep into the dark hole,
With no light left in her soul ;

No one saw the little girl,
Who silently wept ;
As everyone cat called her fat,
No one raised their voice ;
When they saw the boy getting bruised,
No one could tell that at home he was abused ;

No one reacted to the snide remark,
About her skin being dark ;
No one saw her smile dim,
When they teased her for being limp ;

No one saw her mental scars,
As for them, she was a beauty too far ;
They didn't care that their humorous joke,
Made someone's heartbreak ;

As one says that life is not a twinkling star,
Everyone has some scar ;
I think so it's far too true,
That you don't know what it is in another's shoe ;

So be happy if have someone by your side,
As life is a hellish ride.

Note :
I am utterly grateful to my family for supporting me. I thank my dad for always having my back in need.
Life is not easy so do not bully as you don't know what the other person is going through. And merely go on with life and never give up. Even in the most difficult moments.


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