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At the end of the day at work Harry went to the supermarket, he had to buy food for him and for Sun. More likely for Sun, since he had been lacking in appetite in the past days.

He walked through the aisles, decided to get some pre-cooked food for him, something that could go into the microwave, since he didn't really feel like cooking.

Then he headed for the animal aisle, when he saw a familiar person.

It couldn't be.

It had been a month since he'd last seen him.

Louis was there, with a cart full of pet food. He was buying animal feed for the shelter.

Harry didn't know what to do, go over there and talk to him or play dumb and run away since Louis hadn't seen him yet?

He opted for a middle ground, looking for Sun's food while pretending he hadn't noticed Louis.

"Did you by any chance try to ignore me?" asked Louis, slightly amused.

"I uhmm, no...I was....."

"It's okay Harry" the blue-eyed boy interrupted him "I know you're slightly anxious talking when you don't know someone really well"

Only with you, Harry thought.

"So how are you? We live so close and yet we met again after a whole month." Louis continued

"I know, I haven't been out much lately except to walk out Sun."

"I think that's the longest statement I've ever heard come out of your mouth," Louis said, laughing.

Harry started laughing along with him.

So they stood like that, laughing in the middle of the animal aisle at the supermarket for several minutes.

"Where's your girlfriend? Jameela right?" asked Louis turning serious again.

"She's not my girlfriend, she's my neighbour and friend" replied Harry, running his hand through his hair embarrassed.

"Oh I see." A smirk seemed to form on Louis' lips.

Harry started to stare at them.

"You know Harry, I don't have many friends here, in fact I have none I would say. Would you like to hang out sometime?"

"Sure, anytime. I'll text you later so we can maybe make plans."

They said goodbye and went their separate ways.

Harry went back home and immediately called his friend.

"Tell me everything about it." she exclaimed.

Harry explained the situation to her and Jameela gave him advice on what to do. And so Harry found himself texting with Louis all night.

Once the blue-eyed boy texted him goodnight, Harry found himself looking up at the ceiling and smiling.

His heart was pounding at a fast pace because of a few simple messages, he felt like a fifteen year old kid struggling with his first relationship. Well Harry was actually pretty inexperienced, the only relationship he had was the one with Ethan.

Yes, Jameela was right.

Harry did have a crush.

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