"Mrs. Johnson said to draw what I love about you, so...." Siv trailed off and opened the card for him. Loki didn't mind in the slightest. "this is you and your pretty blue eyes and smile. This is you with mommy, and this is...." she went on, explaining everything she created on the card.

While all the people on the card looked like sticks and certain animals and words were more like scribbles, it was still one of the most beautiful things Loki had ever seen in his life.

His watery eyes scanned over the small card, landing at the bottom of the page where it said, "Happy Daddy's Day! I love you!"

His lip trembled when he looked up at Summer to make sure she was okay with it, and she looked back with her own tears already streaming down her cheeks as she nodded. "I love you both so much." He confessed, holding his little girl in one arm and the love of his life in the other.

Summer figured it was a 'getting caught up in the moment' type thing. He didn't truly love her.... right?


Months had gone by and now Summer was about ready to pop. She was desperate to get this baby out of her.
As for her and Loki, surprisingly they'd gotten along nicely. They could consider each other friends right now.

The bigger Summer's stomach got, the more he became protective with her. It scared her at first. She didn't want the protectiveness to turn into possessiveness, but thankfully it didn't. He just wanted to help her in anyway he could, not control her. She could tell he wanted to help more, but he didn't want to smother her or over step.

However, she wanted to give him peace of mind, so at times she'd hint at things so he felt like he was helping out. He'd help her carry things, set up the baby's bedroom, did almost every chore for her, you name it.

He's also been very understanding with her overactive hormones and emotions, even if it freaked him out a little bit. One minute she'd be laughing at something funny, and the next she'd be sobbing over the fact that she always sat on the same side of the couch and the other side might be lonely. The hormones freaked her out too. She only remembers being pregnant with Siv for a very short period of time and knows nothing about labor, so this is sorta like giving birth for the first time all over again.

Overall, he stayed strong for her. Always encouraging, supportive, and kind. Even though he felt like the world hated him right now, he always had a brave face. There were threats made towards him, even unworldly threats that made the Avengers on guard 24/7. They came around to like Loki more, but that didn't mean they trusted him 100% either. They even started letting him tag along for missions. Most the time, he laid low, was never really told to do much, so Summer was surprised when he came back home quite shaken from one.

"Loki?" Summer called softly, followed by a knock on his bedroom door. There was shuffling on the other side of the door before it was finally opened, revealing the frazzled god. "What's wrong? Is everything-"

"I'm beginning to fear we're not safe here." He blurted in a hushed tone, his head ducked to be closer to hers. He took a peek into the hallway before gesturing for her to enter his room.

She did and closed the door behind them. "What's going on?"

He took in a deep breath and took a seat on his couch. "Since all of Midgard knows I'm here, other realms do as well. Seeing most people hate me, and rightfully so, many want me dead.... the mission we went on today seemed too easy. They knew too much, and I don't believe they were all human."

She raised a brow and took a seat next to him. "You think different worlds could be teaming up?"

He nodded. "I fear so. I tried explaining that to the team, but my word only means so much to them."

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