Chapter 13: Movie With My Sunshine

Start from the beginning

"So I was right with you not having siblings?" I asked.

"I did had one," she said with sadness in her voice. I notice she's using past tense. "Her name was Zoë Nightshade."

"Nightshade?" I said confused. "Isn't your last name Atlas?"

"Yeah," she said. "But Zoë preferred to use our mother's last name, Nightshade. I get along with her way more than my dad. Zoë died a few years ago. And by then, I'm officially alone."

"I know how it feels to feel lonely," I said quietly thinking of my mom. "My mom died when I was eight. I never knew what happened because the police kept it a secret from me, to not worry me and all."

"I'm sorry," Calypso said sympathetically. "I guess we both suffered from losses." I nodded. Then, the whole walk grew silent after that conversation.

I opened the door with my spare key. Tristan gave me and Piper one each in case of emergencies. The place is similar to a mansion. Why you ask? Because my foster dad is a well-known actor and kind of rich. The place just make me feel lonelier and lonelier.

"Anyway," I said. "Want some snacks?"

"Sure," she said. "But let's just don't get the kitchen on fire."

"How do you know about that?" I asked her pretending to look at her suspiciously.

"Piper told me," she said with a small smile. "and the girls."

"Leave it to a sister to humiliate you in front of everyone," I said. She laughed and I joined.

We walked to the kitchen. I checked the fridge for some snacks.

"So, we've got Doritos, biscuits." I said, looking in the fridge. I checked the cabinets. "Ooh! Popcorn!"

I grabbed the popcorn and read the instructions. "Just don't burn it," Calypso said as she looked at the instructions.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I asked. "That'll pass the time."

"Sure," Calypso said. "And we can snack on popcorn while we're at it."

We popped some popcorn and search for a movie. "What movie do you want to watch?" I asked Calypso.

"I don't know," Calypso said. "Can you choose randomly?"

I closed my eyes and choose a movie randomly. Luckily, I landed on a Family Comedy movie. It's called Dolittle. Apparently the guy is this Vet who can speak to animals. Calypso and I watched the movie. It is pretty funny. In the middle of the movie, Calypso's head rested on my shoulder. I didn't think she notice it.

When the movie almost ended, a voice in shock came, that is definitely didn't came from the movie. I paused it and saw Piper and Jason stared at us, a little shock. I noticed Calypso and Me cuddling. Calypso quickly moved away.

"Leo!" Piper said in mock-anger. "You didn't told me that Calypso's your girlfriend!"

"What..No!" Calypso and I said in unison.

Piper raised an eyebrow. "Then, why were you cuddling?" she asked.

Calypso blushed. "We didn't notice, that's all," she said defensively.

"Alright then," Piper said still unconvinced. She turned to Jason and kiss him on the cheek. "See you tomorrow Sparky."

"See you tomorrow," Spark- I mean Jason said as he headed to his car and left.

"Oh and eh..." she said now looking at us. "Sorry if I ruin a moment." She winked as Calypso and I blushed. She left and went to her room. That's when I remembered I had said the exact same thing to Piper and Jason a few weeks ago. Touché Piper, Touché.

"Let's end this movie," I said as I click the unpause button. We watch the movie and soon grew comfortable again.

I checked the time, it's getting dark outside. "Hey," Calypso said. "I should probably head back home. It's getting dark."

"Yeah it is," I said. "Do you want me to accompany you?"

"No need," she said. "Zoë taught me some skills if I am ever in trouble. I'll do fine."

She headed to the door. "Goodbye Valdez," she said.

"See you Sunshine," I said in response. Wow, this day has gone very interesting.

Luke's POV

I walked in to a room in the HQ. Three captives are tied up there, thanks to me of course.

"Hello there," I said coolly to them.

"Luke Castellan," Frederick said. "I can't believe what you did to my daughter, you broke her heart!"

I shrugged. Meh, Annabeth is so stupid and I thought she was clever. Never mind that.

"It's been a few weeks," I said a little annoyed. "Agree on what we want you to do or suffer consequences!"

"You think we care!" Tristan said.

"We know what you did to Esperanza," Marie said. "We don't care if we die! We won't do your dirty work!"

Ugh.. It's always been like this. Whatever we threaten them, they're not scared. "Esperanza, eh?" I said trying to remember her. "Oh yeah, I remember her. Poor kid Valdez is! Now his foster dad could get killed."

"Don't say that about my son!" Tristan said angered.

Then, realization dawn on me. If I threaten them with their deaths they will always disagree, but what if I threaten them with their kids death (A/N: *gasp* how evil!) . Worth a shot, they care more about their kids than themselves. I smirked.

"You've got until Saturday to make your final decision," I said. "If you deny this, you will pay dearly."

"We told you we don't want to help you!" Frederick said.

"I think you should think about this more," I said. "Until Saturday. Think about it."

I grinned evilly as I closed the door. Boy, will they have a shock for their lives if they disagree to work with us.

*Suspense music playing*

What will happen next? I don't really know but I'm working on it. Let's see what Luke's planning.

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