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Harry had woken up, tired despite 12 hours of sleep, but by now it was normal for him to be tired all day.

He was ready for another day at work. A job he hated, like everything else, since Ethan left him.

"I don't love you anymore," recited the note he had left on the table, carrying with him everything that was his, including Harry's heart.

No one knew about them, no one could know, Harry's mother was very religious, his father died when he was 12 years old, and he could not give her another disappointment.

Harry had grown up hearing that homosexuality was a sin, that it was disgusting, he couldn't disturb the serenity of the family any further.

He kept it a secret, often went out with girls trying to change himself, but it was impossible, he asked God for help, but nothing changed, he remained gay.

Then he met Ethan, and he felt happiness again.

His mother and his sister thought he was just his roommate, they didn't know they loved each other.

The only one who knew this was their neighbour, with whom they spent time together every now and then.

Harry had spent two beautiful years with Ethan, he was sure he was the love of his life, until that April 13, when Ethan left and Harry's world collapsed.

Harry found himself thinking again about him, crying desperately, sadness had taken over again.

Five minutes passed and he remembered that he had to go to work, he wiped his tears away and went out.

***What do you think about it? It's the first time I'm writing on Wattpad.I know it's short, but it was more of an introduction!

Also let me know if there are any grammatical errors as english is not my first language!

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