visitors at amanos'

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I was only about 9 or 10, a year or so before Grandma Amano passed way. It was a hot summer afternoon, and the air was uncomfortably sticky and humid. I remember this, because Neito and I got hosed down by Sero and Jirou to cool off.

"Y/n, why are you soaked?!" Amano gasped as y/n stumbled in their home through the front door, shaking her hair like a wet dog.

"Jirou sprayed me with the hose!" Y/n laughed as Amano grabbed a near by towel, drying the giggling girls' hair.

"Sorry about her, she's a trouble maker." Amano apologized to the two guests sitting on the coach, pinching y/n's cheek. Y/n froze, peering through the cloth to see who her guardian was talking to.

It was two adults. One was a woman with bright blue-ish green hair, it pinned back with an orange hair clip. She wore a tattered white gown, as if she had just finished work out on the farm.

The second one was a man. He seemed to be dressed in some sort of uniform. As I grew up, I learned it to be a bounty hunters' uniform. His hair was pulled back and he had on a black sun hat. I remember him scaring me, because his eyes were tired and blank.

"Go on now, I've taught you better than that! Introduce yourself!" Amano demanded, pushing y/n towards the two strangers. Y/n furrowed her thick brows, forming a thin line with her lips. "...Y/n Amano."

I used to go by Amano as my last name. Grandma didn't tell me my real last name until she passed away....Well...she actually saw a pretty surname in the newspaper and insisted I went by that last name when she passed. To this day I don't know my actual last name.

"Y/n...what a beautiful name!" The woman with teal hair awed, her cheeks turning a brink pink with envy. "I couldn't have thought of a better one myself."

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