the origin of sparrow

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LET'S START FROM THE BEGINNING, SHALL WE? When y/n was born, her parents abandoned her on the dirty streets of Musutafu

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LET'S START FROM THE BEGINNING, SHALL WE? When y/n was born, her parents abandoned her on the dirty streets of Musutafu. What amazing guardians!

People passed by her crying body for hours, y/n wailing for attention. After almost a full day, an old woman came by and took y/n into her care. This woman was Himari Amano. She ran a popular bakery shop in the hub of the city.

Amano raised y/n for a decade, teaching her everything she knew; from etiquette and baking , to archery and jujutsu. Amano was a well rounded woman, as she had experience in many hobbies.

Monoma was a neighbor of y/n and Amano, so y/n grew very close to the cocky blonde boy. They were almost raised together, being inseparable like brother and sister.

When Amano passed away on y/n's 11th birthday due to a sickness, she began living with Monoma and his parents.

Monoma's parents weren't just any normal civilians, though. No...His father,

was Robin Hood.

Robin Hood, the heroic outlaw with insane archery abilities and swordsmanship. Who robbed and stole from the rich to provide to the poor. Robin hood, a man that was feared by the upper class of the kingdom, but loved by the unfortunate.

However, when Monoma and y/n reached the age of 16, Monoma's father was finally captured, and executed in the center of town to pay for his crimes. His mother, on the other hand, was thrown in jail, as she too helped with his fathers' crimes.

Monoma and y/n were left alone. Though Robin Hood's actions were seen as wrongful and illegal to many, the poor and broke believed he was doing it for the sake of them and the kingdom. That Robin's ideals...

were actually correct.

Robin believed the kingdom was corrupt. King Enji ruled over the people, but only the rich and classy were happy.

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