underground levi x mp reader: hayloft

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I n s p i r e d b y : h a y l o f t


y/n POV

We were down the stairs to the underground to catch three thugs.'I have a bad feeling about this'


' the best thing to do in my free time paperwork yey' the door to my office opened, I looked up only to see my 'good old friend' Erwin.

"Captain l/n. You will be a part of our mission, a mission to capture three thugs in the underground and make them one of us"

"Erwin, why would you want some thugs in the scouts for? I mean you already have enough. Also why am I a part of this?, I'm a captain of the military police and you want me to work with you?! Erwin that's insane"

" I know y/n, I've seen their 3dmg skills and they were perfect for us to have those types of soldiers in the scouting regiment, and you are also really good at 3dmg. Well I never expected you to be in the military police."

" fine, whatever you say Erwin. But I have a bad feeling about this mission."

" thank you y/n , we will leave in 3 hours so get ready"

And then commander eyebrows exited my office. I got up to get ready for this
"mission" Erwin sent me. ' oh boy I really have a bad feeling about this.'

Flashback ends

Levi POV

That old man made us go on a mission to kill erwin smith so we can live above. We were flying through the abandoned houses when some scouts started following us

"heh. The mp's never learn huh. Oii Levi-anikin my line was cool right?" Isabel

"Well they came back with more skilled soldiers to catch us huh." Farlan replied

" no those aren't the mp's those are the scouts "

'The person up front seams familiar'.

The person in the front then came after me. While I was trying to escape and out smart that scout, but i came to the wrong alley and ended up in a dead end.

I went towards the wall and I positioned my foot to give me a boost to be able to go the opposite direction and under the scout ( it took me 30 mins just to make that sentence ) I went under the scout, but I saw the mp uniform. It was unexpected, a person wearing a survey corp cape but wearing a military police uniform.

3rd Person

it distracted Levi so much that he didn't notice another scout was going after him and the earlier one disappeared. Levi then tripped, made a backflip and pulled out a knife and aimed it to the man wanting to cut him but he saw his friends, Isabel and Farlan making him drop the knife

"You read the situation quickly" said Erwin

Then the man cuffed Levi and made him kneel with Farlan and Isabel.

"Thank you Mike (?), my name is Erwin Smith and I am the 13th commander of the survey corps, now mind to tell me yours"

Levi didn't answer.

"Who taught you to use 3dmg?" erwin asked

Levi didn't answer, and remained silent.

Then the person with the military police uniform grabbed Levi's hair and pushed it so that Levi's face made contact with the reflective puddle of mudd.

"Levi-anikkin!!!" shouted isabel


"Levi-anikkin!!!" shouted isabel.

"Levi?!" i was surprised. Levi and I were childhood bestfriends.

Then the sand blonde guy shouted


Erwin then replied " i don't buy it "

Then Isabel saw me and said " y/n-nii!! Help us, make them go away!!"

Everyone turned and looked at me with a confused look in their faces. Erwin then turned to me with a look that said 'you know her?'. I gave Erwin a short nod,and kept my head lay low. erwin then turned to isabel and came closer to her and asked,

"How do you know Captain y/n?"

"She once saved me from the military police and gave them a fake excuse so that i can escape with the food i stole!!, when the military police was out of sight she then came to me and introduced herself and gave me money that would last me a month!!" Isabel answered.

Everyone was shocked except me and isabel. Erwin gave isabel a nod, turned to me and asked

"Captain was that all true?"

I looked at the ground thinking about how I betrayed the military police because I helped someone from the underground. Erwin then asked

"Captain is there anything you still need to tell me?"

I looked at erwin and walked towards Levi, kneeled one leg at his level and whispered to him,

"Sorry Lev hope you forgive me"

Levi's eyes went wide.

Then I kicked his face, kicked his stomach, and kicked his sides. After I kicked Levi I looked at all of them with an emotionless face, and their faces were in shock. Then i turned to erwin and said

"Take Levi's handcuffs off, if he attacks leave him be"

They obeyed and took off levi's handcuffs and made him stand up, he then punched my face, punched my stomach, and hit my sides. All of their faces were shocked to see a highly respected military police captain, not fighting back against a lowlife thug.I then smiled at Levi and Levi gave me a smile back, i took my hand wanting to make a handshake, i said

"Missed you Lev"

"Missed you Too n/n(nickname)"

And we both shaked hands.

Haha Cliffhanger

Part 2 will be posted tomorrow 😁
Well guys I hope you liked this one shot, this is inspired by the the first part of the lyrics that is "my daddy's got a gun" but instead I replaced it with 'ladies' soo it's relevant to the story 😉

Levi: how could you make me hit my beautiful y/n!!
Y/n: (blushes)
Orenji: it's part of the story Levi, deal with it..

Well bye bye my fellow readers hehe
Wait for the next chapter guys bye

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