Chapter 12: Happenings of That Night

Start from the beginning

Annabeth eyed widen and she broke down crying. Hazel is already in tears. Leo's face resembles pain, hurt, sadness and anger. I saw my dad and the other parents being dragged out of the house. A tear rolled onto my cheek. I seriously want to punch this guy, but I know I'll risk my dad's safety.

"Farewell everyone," Luke said. "And remember! Do not tell this to the police or your families if you want to keep them alive!"

And we kept his words. We never told anyone about it. The week became glum. We all cried from time to time but no one wants to admit it. It's just horrible.

*End of flashback*

"Hey you okay?" My boyfriend Jason said looking in concern.

"Oh yeah I'm fine," I said still remembering what happened.

"Are you sure?" he asked me his voice filled with concern. This happens a lot. Me remembering the flashback while Jason ask what's wrong. He can sense something is wrong.

"Not really," I mumbled. His blue eyes looked at me, concerned.

"Look, Piper," he said. "I know it's hard to tell other people about your struggles, but if you need anything, I'm here, always."

I gave him a small smile. "Thanks Jason," I said. "It is hard talking about your struggles."

"Tell me about it," I heard him mumbled. 

"What?" I asked.

"Um, nothing," he said a little too quick. I guess I'm not the only one who's hiding something.

"Jason, if you have any struggles too, just know I'll be here, always," I said copying what he said. He smiled.

There was an awkward silence. "Hey, um Piper," he said breaking the silence.

"Hm?" I asked him.

"Have you ever have a feeling that um...," he said sounding a little nervous. "A feeling that you really care about someone but you have a secret that'll probably make them run off. And your scared that the person won't think that you care because of the secret?"

"Um... that sounds oddly specific," I said a little confused. "But, uh.. yeah I have that feeling sometimes."

The feeling is how is about Jason. I really care about him but I know that I'm probably a target of a criminal and I sometimes think that if I told Jason that, he'll run off thinking it's not safe around me. And sometimes I'm scared that he will just think that I don't care about him because I know I can put him in danger.

"Wait, you do?" he asked. I nodded. "I'm sorry, the feeling is horrible."

"Yeah, I'm sorry too," I said.

"And um...have you ever have a feeling that um..." he said. "That you're just putting someone in danger?"

Wow, can this guy read my mind or something? We have so much in common on this. I nodded at him. I know I'm putting him in danger.

"Have you ever feel like....," I said. "That you wish you can change everything you did wrong in your past?"

"Yeah multiple times," he said. At first he frowned as if remembering the things he wanted to change. Then, he grinned. "Like waking up early and grabbed some of Percy's Mom's cookies before Percy could."

I chuckled. "Wow, you must've love her cookies," I said.

"Yeah they're the best," he said. I smiled.

He's just so adorable.

Travis's POV

After the challenge I accepted, I've been giving Katie loads and loads of pick up lines. Not t mention calling her nicknames. My favorite is definitely Katie-Kat. Every time I did it she just seems annoyed, but I am confident I will impress her with one of my pick up lines somehow.

I have told her loads of pick up lines, my friends are beginning to think I have a crush on her. Pftthh... As if.

"Dude, you really do have a crush on her," my brother Connor said a while after I told Katie a pick up line of mine. It's lunch time on Tuesday, everyone is sitting at the lunch table.

"For the last time no..." I said a little annoyed. "I accepted a challenge where-"

"You try to impress her with a pick up line," Leo finishes my sentences looking bored. "Yeah, yeah, we heard of that lame excuse multiple times."

"It is not an excuse!" I protested. The boys seem to rolled their eyes.

"Trust me Travis," Beckendorf said. "I'm dating a matchmaker here who is amazingly good at noticing a crush, I know enough to know when someone's in love."

"Same here," Jason said. I looked at him in surprised, I knew he like a girl named Piper but I didn't know they're actually dating. "But not as much as Beckendorf, of course."

"You guys are kidding right?" I asked them in disbelief. They shook they're heads.

"Wow, you're oblivious," Percy said. I glared at him, the guy like Annabeth but never even notice it and Annabeth liked Percy but the boy also didn't notice it.

"Speak for yourself," I muttered.

He looked at me confused. "What do you mean?" he asked.

"He's saying that you're pretty oblivious too Percy," Beckendorf said. "And I agree, you are pretty oblivious. All five of you." He gestured to Me, Percy and surprisingly Leo, Will and Nico.

"Wait, how did I get involve in this?" Nico asked annoyed.

"Yeah, you were talking about Travis and Percy, then all of the sudden Me, Nico and Will?" Leo asked. Will nodded approvingly.

"I'm not joking," Beckendorf said. "I think I told you before but Silena already made pairings for you guys. And two of them already succeeded."

"Really? Who?" Chris asked.

"Jasper," Beckendorf said pointing to Jason. "And Frazel." Then, he pointed at Frank.

"Wait, what?" Frank said confused. "Who in the world is Jasper and Frazel? And why are you pointing at me and Jason?"

"Didn't you get it?" Leo asked Frank. "Jasper is a merge between the name Jason and Piper if I'm not mistaken, and Frazel is a merge between the names of Frank and Hazel. It's like those celebs ship names."

Beckendorf nodded. "See he gets it," he said.

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