Chapter 11

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Amity's Pov:

I was sitting in my room.

I didn't have anything to do. It's not like I could focus even if I did.

I never really thought about how Luz had a tattoo when I saw it.

I kinda just, brushed it off.

But now it was all I could think about.

It looked good on her.

She was muscular, beautiful, smart, kind. She looked really good when she got out of the shower...

Her hair was still a little wet, making it drape over her face and water droplets were still on her because she hadn't fully dryed off.

It just made me feel...


I had a crush on her since I was little.

We practically grew up together.

And my feelings never changed. Not even once.

I had been asked out multiple times, a few of those times by boy's.


But every time I said no. I said no because I was too hung up on a girl who would never love me back.

Growing up I was known as perfect. But Luz felt more perfect to me then I would ever be.

Everything was so amazing about her.

And when I tryed to think about it, she didn't have a single flaw that came to mind.

In reality I was really bored.

The only thoughts that entertained me were thoughts of Luz.

I could go out somewhere.

But where would I go?

Maybe the library.

I haven't been to the library in awhile.

Knock knock.

Light taps were heard coming from my door.

"Come in!" I yelled, my voice sounding loud in my somewhat quiet room.

"Heeeyyyy mittens!"

Oh god.

It was Ed and Em.

And they still use that stupid nickname!

Why do I still live with Ed and Em?

Well because I never moved out of Blight Mannor.

I'm currently looking for a house, but none are on the market that have caught my eye.

And why does Ed and Em still live in Blight Mannor?

Something about 'free rent'.

Mother and father liked having us around. At least that's what they would say.

They were good parents.

Luz's mother was friends with my parents. That lead Luz and I to always being around eachother. because our parents were always around eachother.

I remember I used to hate Luz.

She was so energetic and enthusiastic compared to how calm I was.

My mother used to sit me down and talk to me about giving her a chance.

I was so reluctant to give her a chance that once I finally did, I had wanted to hit my past self over the head for not giving her a chance sooner.

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