"Eat up you two," he said with a smirk.

"Thanks Frypan," we both said.

"Let's sit with the runners tonight," Y/N said as we walked to the table of runners in the middle of the rows.

I sat beside her and Minho was on her other side. As soon as we got settled and began eating Dominic came and sat across from Y/N. I automatically tightened my grip on Y/N's hand under the table without noticing.

"So Y/N did you tell everyone about what happened in the maze today?" Dominic asked her.

I looked up in confusion. Y/N hadn't said anything happened. I looked at her and saw she was sending a warning glance to Dominic, as if she was telling him not to continue.

"What happened?" I ask looking at Y/N. Unease fidgets within me.

"Nothing important," she said looking at her food.

"Come on. Just tell them," Dominic said.

I look to him instead, expecting answers. "What happened?"

When Y/N stays silent Dominic answers.

"Fine, I'll tell them. We saw a griever."

"You what?" Minho spoke out.

I look at Y/N, upset and a little angry she didn't tell me. "You saw a griever?"

"We didn't see one. We just thought we saw one," she corrected Dominic.

"You should have reported that to me right away," Minho said.

"We didn't want to cause false panic if it wasn't actually a griever," Y/N replied.

"I don't care, I still should have heard about it, okay shanks?" Minho stated, pointing his fork at Y/N and Dominic.

The two nodded and started talking about some runner related stuff. I didn't say a word for the rest of dinner. I couldn't input in the conversation. The runner life was no longer mine. And no longer mine to talk about. After dinner we all put our dishes in the buckets of water to soak and went our ways. Y/N and I walked along the glade perimeter in silence.

"Why didn't you tell me about the griever?" I ask.

She stops walking and turns to me. "I didn't want you to be upset. You know.. dangerous and all that?"

"You know I don't like it, but I still wish you would tell me when stuff like that happens," I reach and touch the side of her face. I'm overtaken with the same childish feelings as when I first met her. I feel young. Like a boy who has a crush on a girl in his class. If only it was really that simple.

"Newt! You're on dishes tonight, remember?" Frypan's voice calls out from the direction of his hut.

"I gotta go now," I said, scanning her face one last time. "Where are you going to go?"

"I was thinking about looking at my garden. Don't worry about me," Y/N replied as she began walking away to the gardens. "Go on, I'll be there if you need me."

I watched her walk away to the gardens. I don't like leaving her alone in the glade when it starts getting dark, but sometimes I don't have a choice. I begin walking towards Fry's hut. We rotate which gladers help Fry with the dishes every night and it seems its my turn once again. I reach the space of grass outside of the hut where well water is stored for cleaning the dishes. I see four other guys washing the dishes too. Dominic is of course one of them. I go to the bucket full of soaking dishes that no one is working on and pull up my sleeves before I begin scrubbing. Two of the four guys are builders I know and the other is a slicer. They're complaining about something wrong with their work tools. Suddenly the topic changes and I hear something that makes me tune into the conversation. 

"You know what we should do?" Joe says. He's a buff builder who likes to brag about the stubble he's barely started growing. "We should play seven minutes in heaven."

The boy smirks and I feel myself stiffen. Seven minutes in heaven. A game where teens usually at highschool parties would go into an enclosed space and do whatever they want. Usually sexual. Always sexual.

"We could do it in the pit," Joe continues, "We just need one last thing.."

All the boys turn to look at Y/N. She's crouched down in the garden, tending to her plants. Even though she's a runner now, she hasn't lost her touch at her first job. I'm suddenly mad.

"And how do you plan to do that? There's only one girl?" I can't hide the anger in my voice.

Joe turns to look at me and smirks again, "Oh, I know. We take turns."

"I call going first," Dominic adds in.

I can't believe them. To think that they're so horny they'd do something like that.

"You can't just 'take turns'? She's not a bloody object." I breath in and control my anger. 

I put down my last plate and begin to walk away to find Y/N before I do something I'll regret. I shove Dominic roughly with my shoulder as I walk by, muttering one last thing with as much venom possible.

"You guys are disgusting."


A/N: Well that was an interesting chapter to write. more is planned to come sooonnnn... thank you for reading, until next time....

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