They rushed down to the council chamber immediately. Gaius led the way walking as fast as he possibly could in his state. Before Merlin could walk in after Gaius, Lancelot grabbed his arm. Merlin stopped and looked at Lancelot, startled.

"Merlin, Arthur filled me in a bit on what Iseldir told you last night. If this war of sorcery and men is upon us, I know we will need you more than ever. But please, Merlin, don't try to do anything stupid."

"What do you mean?"

"I know how you are. You've always been secretive; always trying to protect everyone else by going off on your own. You can't do that this time. You have friends that are ready and willing to stand beside you in battle. You already know I would gladly give my life for you, but that is my choice. Don't you dare try to take that choice away from me."

Merlin looked up at Lancelot curiously, and then smiled. It had been so long since he had talked to one of his first and closest friends. In fact, he had nearly forgotten how close they were.

"Thank you, Lancelot. You've always been a good friend."

They opened the doors to find Arthur, Guinevere, Morgana, Gaius, Iseldir, and Arthur's closest knights sitting at the round table. Merlin and Lancelot swiftly took their seats so the meeting could begin. Arthur stood from the table to give his first order.

"Thank you everyone for coming in such short notice. As many of you might have heard or suspected we believe that there is a great battle on the horizon. Last night Iseldir informed me that many Druids are leaving to some unknown place. These people in particular tend to have a grudge against Camelot. How many did you say there were?"

"A few hundred, sire. Many are very skilled sorcerers."

"Thank you, Iseldir. In addition, we just recently discovered that Alined's army has gone missing. He was a few miles from Camelot when we lost sight of them. Gwaine, what's your report from the patrols?"

"We caught glimpse of them a couple of times. From what we saw, I believe their army has grown to a few thousand men at least. Next thing we knew, they were nowhere to be found. The last time we saw them they were a few miles North of Camelot's border."

"When did you lose them?"

"About three days ago."

"Three days..." Arthur sighed under his breath.
"We have waited long enough. The time for warnings and speculation is done. We must prepare for battle. We have our trained knights but they may not be enough. Leon and Lancelot, can you two put out word that we are in need of able bodied men willing to fight? We may need all the men we can get."

"Yes, sire," they replied in unison.

"Iseldir, would your men be willing to stand with us?"

"Yes sire," Iseldir replied while looking at Merlin.

"Good. Patrols must always be ready. If you see anything suspicious, come back right away for back up. For all we know an entire patrol could be taken out by one of these men in a few seconds. Don't risk it. We don't know why there hasn't been an attack yet, but we know with almost certainty that it's coming. When they come, we'll be ready. You're dismissed."

People started to stand a shuffle toward the door before Arthur added as an afterthought,
"Gaius, Iseldir, and Merlin stay."

People filed out until it was just those found plus Guinevere and Morgana. Gwen was the Queen so she refused to leave Arthur and Morgana wanted to know what this had to do with Merlin. When everyone had left, Arthur started talking.

"Iseldir, you said that Merlin had not yet reached his 'full potential.' Is there any more you can tell us about that?"

"There is not much. All I know is that the power of Emrys is said to be unmatched. The great battle will begin, and Emrys will find his true nature. The legends speak of one who can control weather, change form and even make time bend to his will. It is magic in its purest form."

Arthur seemed disappointed, wanting to know how this full potential could be reached. Merlin didn't know what to feel. The thought of his having that much power scared him, but it was his destiny to  protect Camelot. All the while Gaius was lost in thought, and he was starting to mutter under his breath.

"Magic in its purest form... purest form- of course!" He exclaimed, startling everyone.

"What is it Gaius?" Merlin wavered.

"Magic in its purest form," Gaius looked directly at Iseldir. "Magic in its purest form would be where magic all began."

Iseldir's look of confusion turned to a look of understanding.

"You're right. If he went, surely he would get answers. That's where he must go to release the powers of Emrys."

"Excuse me," Merlin interupted, "where am I going and what exactly am I doing?"

Gaius gave him a small look of pity before facing the king to explain.

"Sire, I believe that Merlin must go to the Crystal Cave."

First, I am so sorry it took so long! There was no reason for it to. That being said, I'm almost finished! I'll try to get back in schedule for posting! Thank you for your patience and for reading/voting! I really appreciate it!

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