Chapter 16: Electric

Começar do início


I looked behind me and I saw him. Draco was walking through the shelves, similar to me, though he had taken precautions, stopping at the potions shelves.

Idiot. He wasn't taking precautions. He got up to look for a potion's source. I was the idiot!

Cursing, I turned and walked as far as I could away from him.

Maybe I should just leave the library. Sam would grab my things and I could just escape for a bit. I wasn't feeling myself anyway. How the hell was I supposed to study if I couldn't even concentrate?

I slowed my steps just as I reached the gates to the restricted section. How stereotypical of me. Of course I'd go to the one place I could not enter. How a library filled with students under the age of 17 had a restricted section registered for the age range of the upper 2% of the school was baffling. And of the 2% able to enter such a section, only a third of the students go in, and of that third, only half actually check out a book. What a waste of space!

"What are you doing?" I jumped at the voice, having not expected it, but turned only to find the person I'd been running from since the beginning standing before me.

"Draco. Why'd you follow me?" I questioned, truly baffled at seeing him in front of me. It wasn't like he'd talked to me until now. That alone was a surprise. He looked like he was questioning the same thing but he remained where he was, a book under one arm that I suspected was from the potion's section.

That bastard was going to get another O in potions, I just knew it.

"I followed you because you were rushing around the shelves like you were running from something."

"Well I'm fine. So, you can mind your own business!" I shot back defiantly, feeling very immature given the situation. Come on Ava, grow some thick skin. It's only Draco. What can he possibly do to you?

"Fine," he stated stubbornly. "It's not like you're worth my time to begin with. I have things to do anyway."

'Right, like getting another damn O in potions, is that it?" I said out right before I had a chance to filter my thoughts. He rose a brow in surprise before I could muster another response.

"Why'd you care?" He asked, looking on curiously.

"Maybe I'd just like to better you at potions, is that so surprising?" I replied. Just as I said it I knew I was stupid to utter a word aloud.

"Oh damn it, never mind!" I exclaimed in a hiss, before turning on my heels and walking off again. I had made it past two shelves when I knew he was following me.

Like finding a scent that lead to an old memory, I was suddenly back to last week in front of the door leading to the stairs to potions. That feeling of electricity pumping in the air, the feeling of my heart beating out of my chest like a warning bell. Telling me that I was in for it now and there was nothing I could do about it.

Oh, but there was always something I could do. I was in control of this narrative, screw it. I had just reached a curve in the shelves, leading to a concave of book shelves in a U shape leading away from the original aisle I now walked. I stopped in the middle of the aisle and turned to face him. I was right, he was walking after me.

"What now? Come to gloat some more?" He grabbed my arm before I could say another word and led me more than dragged me to the bend of the U in the concave, hidden from the path we had just walked.

"What is your problem?" I hissed, pulling my hand from his. But he didn't let go which was odd. Instead he was looking at me with a calculated expression. As if trying to decipher something from his memory to now.

Rise of the Death Eaters [3]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora