Vol 4

91 3 4

(Two years later....)
(Lekas Highway)

The high revving four-cylinder engine sang a melodic tune of air-fuel combustion in the pistons as the Subaru rode down the highway.

"Fourth gear."

The outside air continued to cut through the streamlined gloss white chassis of the BRZ. He could hear it clearly from the interior very prominently going at such high speed.

"Fifth gear."

He glanced at the speedometer. 190km/h and climbing. The turbos spooling, the cylinders spinning, and thus contributed to the increased speed shown on the rev indicator of the tachometer. It reached 9000RPMs redline, the signal to shift one last time.

"Sixth gear."

He stepped on the clutch and rode it, shifting into the final gear in between the biting points. The speedometer climbed to 250km/h on the highway roads.

The BRZ was flying on the highway, he felt it. A sensation where his hands felt lighter, prompting him to grip it much more firmly on the steering.

He knew one false move could mean a fatal crash. But yet, that fear dwelling in that fact gave him much more rush in his bloodstream. The excitement pouring in with his muscles.

What he intended to do all along.

His pupils then glowed white once more, triggering the effects again. His racing spirit was held back in training for months over two years. It was at that moment, he knew he was ready.

This time, however, was different.

A pair of strange marks appeared on the white void of his eyes, replacing his pupils. Symbols that almost replicated the glaring sun in the sky of day.

Then, from a spark, came an explosion

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Then, from a spark, came an explosion. A burst of light rays going about in all directions from the BRZ. It flashed the area of the highway for a second before fading as quickly. The whole phenomenon made the area looked like as if it was daytime for a few seconds.

In shock, Louis' eyes returned to their normal state. He also eased his foot on the throttle to slow down. Adrenaline still rushing in his veins but his heart rate decreasing in beats.

"A Lumokinesis huh? Mercy?" Smirking, he asked to confirm. Eyes on the steering wheel.

"It is shown of such power I acclaimed before." The voice in his head replied. "This is what we're capable of Louis."

"Then I guess it was worth after all."

The BRZ continued down the road at cruising speed as the morning sun rays began to emerge from the horizon. Signifying the dawn of a new light.
Vol. 4 - Reason
(38,000 feet above the South China Sea)
(18:00hrs, +8 hours GST)
(16 hours later)

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