Chapter Forty Three

Start from the beginning

"They all seem occupied at the moment. We could just find something to drink and mingle."

"You hate mingling," he reminded.

I huffed, "mostly because they never know boundaries. I feel like most people here will know them."

"Please, enjoy yourselves! We're playing some dance music later that I think you'll appreciate Isaiah."

"If you play Wap to classical music, I'm going to smack you," I warned Liz.

"Noted." She bit her lip, "how'd you know?"

I bursted out laughing, laughing into Damon at how innocent the question seemed. "I was joking!" I giggled between fits of laughter. "We're you seriously going to play that?"

"Look, besides you me and Devon, who would know what the words were?"

"Oh my gods, this is just as bad as 'somebody come get her' and 'low.' Though, the first one has a classical cover to it."

Devon chuckled a bit at that, "I have never been more glad I died so young to never hear those songs."

"Say that to the trauma your death caused bro," I joked.

"Right. Anyway, I'm chatting with these two. Diane understands that I'm Liz's brother, though reborn."

"You are way to overprotective, but we'll see you around." After I said that, we left or go mingle.

"Liz and Devon were siblings in their last life?" Damon asked.

I nodded as we grabbed some refreshments from a passing server, "they were. When they found each other in this life, they stuck together like glue."

"Then I'm happy for them and you. To all be reborn together? It's a gift." He took a sip from his glass, wincing. "She must be planning to get us drunk if she's serving this."

I felt tension in my brows and curiously brought the drink to my own pursed lips. It was very bitter and was strong. The immediate kick of the alcohol inside kicking in full force.

I wasn't even surprised.

"You remember Liz's family specializes in importing strong drinks, right?"

Realization dawned on his face, "we need to find something else to drink."

I glanced around, eyeing what was available. "We might have to pull from my mana storage because everything I'm seeing is alcoholic."

"Why does duchess Elizabeth have to be a part of the noble family that deals with 90% proof alcohol?"

"I don't know. It's just how it turns out," I said with a chuckle, finishing the drink with a harsh wince. It was really fucking strong. I had no idea what my tolerance even was. Damon finished his as well so we could abandon our glasses when a server came by.

Not even half an hour and this party was already shaping up to be a rather interesting one.

We hadn't even met any other guests. Well, until a women approached us, awkwardly fiddling with his thumbs. She curtsied though as she reached us.

"Congratulations on your engagement," she said softly.

"Oh," I blurted out, equally as awkward when dealing with awkward situations. "Thank you."

"I-I'm lady Flora Yvonne. Thanks to you, people have been more accepting of my sexuality."

"Oh? I thought you were married to a man?" Damon muttered.

"Wait, you like both, I'm assuming?" I guessed.

She nodded rather awkwardly. "My first love was a woman. I always thought there was something wrong with me, but Duke Reynolds, you made me realize that I can't change who I love, and I thank you for that."

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