No Exit

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*I do want to confirm, that all of Maria's slugs will be megamorph unless stated otherwise.


His speech pattern was a little off, but they all could tell that he was the man they're looking for. Blight talked about how he doesn't get visitors often as he handed Eli and Maria, who were there trying to talk to him about the Neotox issue, a half bitten bug. Eli took slowly took it as wanting to not seem rude, but Maria played it out better.

"Thank you, but I already ate." And that simple line saved her from consuming the questionable food. She heard Eli muttering under his breath about how he should've done the same. The girl watched as he forced the stuff into his mouth, slightly amused at his poor acting skills before throwing it back up eventually. Burpy groans in disgust as he hopped from Eli's shoulders onto Maria's. The girl rubbed its head in a soothing manner as the slug purred under her touch, despite her leather gloves.

"So, Blight. I've got wind of the fact that you're good with Neotox slugs," Maria said as Eli began to fall behind as he recovers from his nausea. 

"Who's asking?"

"Maria... Maria Blakk. And I would like to request your help."

"Blakk? As in Dr. Blakk?"

"I'm his daughter."

"Ohohoho," the man let out a hoarse chuckle. "I never expected Dr. Blakk would need my help."

"Well, he does," Maria lied without hesitation. She sees it as a necessity to complete this mission. "My father asked me to come here and ask you to come join him... that is if you're still as strong as they say."

"Oh? And how should I prove that?"

"Well, there is this place in Lumino Cavern that has an Neotox fog that we can't get rid of. If you can get rid of it, then it's all the proof my father needs for you to join him."

"Join him... then does that mean... I can finally get my revenge on Will Shane?"

"Yes, with Blakk's forces on your side, you will undoubtedly get your revenge on the man who trapped you here." Maria was not unfamiliar with Blight's hatred for Will. As much as it breaks her heart to speak of the man she admired that way, she did what she had to do to convince Blight. 

From the corner of her eyes, she sees Eli glaring at her, but she ignored it. "So, what do you say?"

The man nodded as he took out his hand. "Before I agree to anything, who are those guys behind you?"

"They're my henchmen. Father sent them here with me to make sure you get out of here safe and sound."

"I don't expect any less from Blakk. Okay, deal."

With that, the man moved forward while humming what seems to be a broken tune under his breath, obviously happy with his end of the 'deal'. As soon as he was out of earshot, Eli grabbed Maria by her forearm and pulling her back.

"What. Was. That?" He snared obviously angry. "I thought you said that Blakk didn't send you here to recruit him?! And about my father--" he was cut off with a finger placed on his lips, prompting him to shut up. 

"Quiet, kid. Do you want him to know that you're a Shane? The moment he does, he won't help us."

"She's right, Eli. It could get ugly if he finds out," Trixie added.

"Then what about everything else you said? About Blakk wanting him to join?"

"You really can't spot a lie, can't you, kid?" 

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