The Perfect Leader

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*The pic is a reference to Maria's mecha, LN-A (Luna).

*A Kairos is a slug I made up.


"You idiot..." Maria groaned under her breath as Twist stood next to her with his shoulders hunched like a child about to be scolded. 

"Well, it's not that bad--"

"You shot an entire gattler's amount of Neurotox slugs inside an enclosed space. How is that not that bad?" Even if her voice remained calm, he could tell that she was angry. But his pride as a man won't allow him admit his fault, especially to a girl no older than him.

"But the Shane was there! And unlike you, I actually put up a fight!" He exclaimed trying to justify his actions. If Maria wasn't so stoic, she would have rolled her eyes.

"I completed my mission exactly how I was told. But you, not only have you lost the slugs but you also caused unnecessary damage."

Twist crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes. "And I suppose you're gonna tell your dad about it like the good little girl you are?" he said in a high pitch voice, hoping to rile her up ever so slightly. But his feats were useless as the girl's poise never changed. 

Maria simply sighed as she got up from her chair. "No, Father sent me look after you in case things go awry. As your superior, it's my job to fix your mistakes."

There it is, that word Twist hated so much. Well, it's not the word he hates, but the fact that it's coming out of Maria's lips. He hates how despite being around the same age, she has more authority. She doesn't even do much, and during the time he's been here, he assumed that she wasn't much of a fighter due to rarely ever seeing her reach for her blaster. He just simply concluded that it's all just nepotism that got her to where she is.

"Tsk! I don't need your help! Who do you think I am?!"

"As of the moment, my underling."

Can we get a F in the chat for Twist's manly pride...

"How would you even know what to do?!"

"It's because I'm prepared. Knowing you, you're bound to mess up so I've already prepared an alternative before you started. The same with Nacho. Knowing him, he's ought to get into some unnecessary fight so I requested a manual form of transportation."

"So you knew you were gonna have to use that Xmitter slug?!"

"I don't. I only prepared just in case. My job is to ensure the operations flow smoothly, with as little time wasted as possible."


"AAAAAH" an all too familiar scream can be heard from echoing within the Cavern of time followed by the roar of what seems to be a dinosaur. Groaning under her breath, Maria steered Luna towards the source of the sound. Upon entering a dead end, she sees the Shane gang being cornered by a t-rex. Thinking that they may know something regarding the whereabouts of Blight, she had Luna claw its way on the side of the canyon before firing an Arachnet at the beast. Due to it being a megamorph, it was able to string a giant net to trap the dinosaur in one blow. 

She landed from the side of the cliff to the front of the Shane gang who pointed their blasters at her warily. She ignored the threat as she causally strapped her own blaster back onto her leg and let her Arachnet land on the palm of her hand. 

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