Daughter of Blakk

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*The pic is a reference to Maria's blaster, but slightly modified to fit the slugs.


"C'mon! Hurry up and move it!" Nacho  yelled as they roughly pushed a mother and her child towards the rest of the group who were being held at gunpoint. It was just another day of collecting slugs from unsuspecting towns. 

"Nacho, don't be so rough," a stern, yet monotone voice ordered, causing the ghoulslinger to halt. With heels clicking against the pavement, the other grunts present made way for a petite young woman, no older than sixteen, through. She was dressed in a classy, yet slim fitted suit with Blakk's symbol on her blazer. On her right hip was her pink blaster with a photon sword strapped next to it. Her slug arsenal decorated her hip. She was undeniably a beauty.

Nacho tsked under his breath as the teenager raised a delicate brow. "How many times have I told you? There is no use treating non-fighters violently."

"Yeah, that's what a softie like you would say--" before he knew it, his face was inches away from the heel of her shoe, mores specifically, his eye. 

"Now what's this? Nacho, are you talking back to your superior?" the girl asked in a mocking tone. Her stoic face just made the situation a whole lot more irritating. 

"No-- captain."

"Good," the young woman placed her foot back down and walked away. "We got everything we need. Load up the rest and we'll be on our way--"

She was cut off with a Hop Rock flying past her head and into the building behind her. Turning to see the source of the commotion, she was met with the sight of the Shane Gang. The young woman was familiar with the news of the son of Will Shane making his debut in Slugterra, but she didn't think much of it as her father didn't give her any direct orders regarding them.

"Nacho! I'd expect it to be you again," Eli snared as he and his gang pointed their blasters at them. 

The said slinger laughed before holding up his own blaster. "And nice to see you again as well, Shane."

Just as both sides are about to engage into a duel, the young woman raised her arm in front of the larger man. The gang stared at her in disbelief as she ordered Nacho to drop his gun. "We already got what we needed, let's go. There is no need to fight, especially with innocent people getting caught in the crossfire."

Nacho glared at her as if his pride has just been shattered. He growled as he clenched his blaster tighter, holding back his entire being from shooting her while watching her walk away. 

"Hey!" Eli yelled, catching the girl's attention. She turned towards the boy with an uninterested look, taking note of the fact of how identical he looks to his father. 


"What do you think you're doing? Do you honestly think we're going to let you walk away?"

"Well, I, Pronto personally believe that they were intimidated by me--"

"Why not? We're leaving, just like how you wanted, aren't we?" she replied, completely dismissing the molenoid. 

"Yeah, but you're taking the slugs with you. Leave the slugs here."

"No. Father ordered me to take the slugs, and I must follow through."

"Huh? Father?"

"Wait... I think I saw her somewhere before..." the redheaded girl of the group exclaimed as she stared intently at her. "She's Blakk's daughter! Maria Blakk!"

"Blakk has a daughter?!" the cavetroll yelled as the rest of the gang looked at her in shock. "Yeah... I've only seen a few articles on her in the Slugnet-- but she's his daughter for sure!"

The said girl sighed before crossing her arms. "Let's go, we're loading up and heading out."

"No you don't!" Eli yelled as he fired a Ramstone at her, but she just casually did a side step and avoided the attack like it was a walk in the park. After that first shot, the entire gang and her grunts engaged into a giant shootout. 

Maria sighed as she stood amidst the shootout, unbothered by the chaos around her. Taking a capsule from her hip, she and her Xmitter exchanged a mutual glance before placing it in her blaster. Pointing it towards the ceiling, she fired. Her Xmitter transformed and its neutralizing effect resonated throughout the cavern. The non stop firing immediately ceased as silence ensued. 

All eyes were on the girl.

Ignoring the prying eyes of everyone in the cavern, she turned towards her underlings. "Nacho, I ordered you to start loading the rest of goods. I'll forgive you for ignoring me the first time, but don't expect me to do the same again."

The ghoulslinger groan as he gave her a death stare. The girl remained unbothered as she directed her head towards the two crates of slugs that they now have to carry by hand due to the technologies shutting off from her Xmitter slug. 

Grumbling, he grabbed two barrels of ghouls and loaded them in the truck with the ones that the grunts carried before. Since the truck was manually powered by horses, this is the first time Eli had seen once that's not a mecha beast, the lack of electricity didn't affect their transportation. 

Eli couldn't do anything but stare in shock as he and his gang helplessly watched as Blakk's vehicle get away. Their mechas unmoving, and their blasters jammed. 

The last thing the Shane saw was the piercing green gaze of the young woman as she seated herself on the roof of the truck. Her long black hair flowing in the wind as the carrier disappeared into the caverns.

That was their first encounter with the daughter of Blakk.

It wasn't particularly thrilling, nor was it really violent. In fact, from an outsider's perspective it would seem mediocre. But to the Shane gang, it was an epiphany. 

That woman was not one to be messed with.

And their lack of bloodshed tells it all.

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