Her response was instant, she didn't even need to think what she wanted me to uphold. I didn't expect her to even remember about it. This sketch pad had obviously been plaguing her mind for a while.

"Wow, okay." I mumbled. I nearly regretted making the bet but then I remembered how bad her aim was. She wouldn't win anyway and even if she did I guess I could show her my drawings. It would be a little embarrassing but not that big of a deal.

"Ten seconds starts now" the game handler called out and a loud beeping filled the course from small speakers.

Never take your eyes off a wild beast, especially when you're the prey.

She ran, trying desperately to get away from me. I lingered back, watching her every move. I saw her small figure retreat inside a barricade so I followed her, making sure to keep out of sight.

She crouched down on the floor, holding one of her grenades. Her eyes remained glued to the window, watching the path for any signs of me.

"What are you waiting for?" I asked from behind. Her whole body jumped and she was far too slow reacting to my presence before I threw one of my grenades at her. Purple powder paint splattered against her leg and her face flipped to anger in an instant. Laughter ruptured from my belly and I moved my legs quick enough to get away from her.

My plan was simple, run away and hide but I didn't like how exposed I felt so I headed back to her, wanting to watch her from afar but in a rapid moment she turned the corner, armed and dangerous.

"I'm sorry." I pleaded. She raised her eyebrows at me and I bit back a smile at her ultra serious face. "I didn't mean to throw it at you, it slipped." Her hand raised higher, taking aim and slowly I backed up, keeping my eyes on her. "Listen... think about this" I tried to bargain "you don't really want to throw that. It was an accident before, I swear! Can't we be friends again?"

Her hand wobbled in the air and she was getting closer to me, knowing full well she wouldn't be able to achieve the shot from further away. I thought about running but she was too close now. Her hand tilted back and I watched the grenade fly through the air, too fast for me to react.

As if in slow motion it the centre of my chest, breaking in half as a green powder exploded everywhere. Marking my clean, white coverall.

"I like to think we are more than friends." She told me smugly. I reached for a grenade but when I peered back up at her she was gone.

"Olivia Charles, your tiny steps can't run from me." I chased her all the way around the maze successfully hitting her back with a yellow bomb. I could hear her laughter from anywhere, she made for an easy target.

I moved myself quietly to a different part of the maze, one where I could keep a safe eye on her from afar. Never taking my eyes off her as she reached through her bucket for the next weapon. She got up and I could see she was intentionally trying to be quiet about it. Her light steps moved around the maze soundlessly but I kept my eyes on the target at all times.

From behind I attacked her, engulfing her completely in blues and pinks. She screamed each time and then attempted to get me back. I laughed at her attempts they were not even close. This bet was mine for sure, she just need to agree.

Please agree.

Once the fog of colourful paint had lifted she was no longer in my sight. My heart started racing and I became paranoid of every little sound. This game is actually extremely accurate to how I felt constantly back at home. Imagine walking through a maze, not knowing your way around, you're the target and anyone could approach you from every unsuspecting area. I was on edged, filled with apprehension.

"Liam" I heard her voice shout from afar. My heart darted in the direction it came but I couldn't see her. I walked closer to where I believe it came from. "Over here" she shouted again and frantically my eyes scanned every visible area of the maze. I had no idea where she was, I just knew she was close and I was ready. "Liam" her voice spoke one more time.

I looked up, hearing the direction perfectly. Behind my Perspex goggles red powder fell from the sky like rain. It fell like slow motion except there wasn't anything I could do about it. I felt it trickle in areas of my face, I felt it land and spread all over my cover all but I could see nothing, except red.

I imagined her face though. I imagined how wide her smile must be right now and how deep the cheek dimples were. I could clearly see in my mind the way her eyes sparkled with her smile. I knew the face she would be wearing behind all of this paint right now was my favorite sight in the whole world and I was missing it.

I rubbed the paint from my goggles and as I blinked in the radiant sight of her she burst out laughing, holding nothing back.

Fuck the paint. I wanted her lips.

My feet found the stairs and I started climbing but Olivia ran down the other side, avoiding me because I was armed. I chased her knowing she wasn't going to kiss me anytime soon I threw my remaining grenade at her but she got me back, winning the game.

"So the sketch pad?" She asked with a enormous smile.


BAD BOY SAVED (male pov)Where stories live. Discover now