" Not so." All Might said. She glanced at All Might, unsure of what to think. Seeing the #1 hero, much less their teacher, not being able to see how things were going to get rough made her both irritated and cautious. However, he seemed to take those words into consideration.

" Young Bakugou, use that power again and I'll end this fight. Your team will lose." All Might said. He then continued to explain why. As a teacher, Kaori thought he should've stopped it then and there, but he didn't. Bakugou yelled in frustration, deciding they'd fight hand to hand combat. Midoriya tried to counter attack, but this time Bakugou had thought stuff through, saved energy from one blast, creating a smoke screen, then blasting from behind using what was left of the saved energy.

" He's not the person to have a strategy, but he's actually intelligent." Todoroki said from beside her. Awkward or not, he, too, was quite perceptive and intelligent.

" What are you talkin' about!?" Kirishima asked Todoroki, turning around to face the two.

" He changed his trajectory while in midair, creating a blast that doubled as a smoke screen. It's clever. A move like that requires great precision. He would've had to calculate the physics and demonstrate control over his quirk to achieve his former outcome.r" Kaori answered.

" Bakugou has uber talent!...I hate it." Kaminari said, at first complementing the angered teenager before realizing he would one day most likely have to fight against him in training. As the fight continued, she observed and memorized their moves. Both boys ran at each other, activating their quirks simultaneously. Kaori's eyes slimmed as she glanced at All Might's shaking hands. Why is he struggling? What attachment does he have to Midoriya or Bakugou?

" They are going to kill each other! SIR!" Kirishima said, looking at All Might.

" Oh gosh, I can't watch!" Mina said from beside her, covering her eyes. Dust filled the monitoring cameras, the class's silence the only thing that sounded through the room. When the dust cleared, they could all see the hero team had won. But at the cost of an injured student.

" Oh my god..."

" You did it,"

" The Hero Team...wins!"

After Some People Went

" Our next contestants....THESE GUYS!!" All Might said, holding up balls B and I. Kaori and Todoroki VS. Ojiro and Hagakure.

" Villain team head on in! Heroes, wait here. Everyone else, back to the monitoring room!" All Might announced. Ojiro and Hagakure talked to All Might for a few minutes before heading inside. All Might then preceded to walk over to them.

" Shoto Todoroki and Kaori Shimura?" All Might asked smiling. They both nodded, simultaneously humming. Shimura...., All Might thought. I never knew Master had children...

" Here's the capture tape and ear piece. Good Luck!" All Might said before zooming into the distance. Kaori placed the ear piece in her ear, sliding her roll of capture tape into her pocket.

" While we're waiting, I believe we should know each other's quirks. I shall start. I control Ice on my Right side and Fire on my Left. I don't use my Fire. Ever. Only to melt my ice when needed. What about you, Shimura?" He asked. She brought out two small, cloth dolls.

" Dolls?" He asked.

" No; my Quirk is Reverse. Whatever I touch with all five of my fingers is set to do the exact opposite of what it normally does. For example, if I were to touch somebody, I could most likely control basic movements, actions, emotions, and occasionally, thoughts. Right now, I can locate the exact pinpoint of the Villain Team, because it's not something just anybody could do. The normal human hearing versus the enhanced ability. They're on the 5th floor, 3rd door down the hall after 3 lefts and 2 rights. Also, I'd prefer to be called Kaori." She explained, the puppets in her hand reversed back to simple cloth and cotton as she gave the explanation to her Quirk. 

" In that case, call me Shoto or Todoroki; whichever you prefer. I believe I have a plan to ensure our victory." Todoroki said. Kaori nodded, listening to Shoto as he explained his victory plan. After a minute or so, All Might gave them the go-ahead. They walked into the building, Kaori touching her temple lightly. She closed her eyes, suddenly getting a visual of the whole building. It was all like an X-ray, Ojiro and Hagakure's bodies giving off a heat signature. 

" Hagakure is on the north-side of the fourth floor. Ojiro is guarding the weapon; both are barefoot." She said, taking her hand off the wall.

" It's most likely the invisible one's plan is to sneak up and surprise us." She said, looking at him as he stopped beside her.

" So our plan will work. Our opponents intend to fight defensive battle." Shoto said. She nodded, placing her hand (all except for her Pinky) on Todoroki's shoulder as ice spiked around his feet.

" But we've already won." She finished. The building started to cover in ice, allowing her to truly stare in amazement at how powerful he truly was. The ice spread over everything except for the floor around her feet. She allowed Todoroki to regain his own control, settling her hand by her side once more. The two walked down the hall, well, more like Todoroki. She decided to skate along the ice, thanks to the lessons Naomi had given her. She shivered a few times, surprised by how cold it was. Although she loved the cold and everything about it, there was a difference between a nice cold and a COLD cold.

" Cold?" He asked, as she started to skate backwards.

" A little, but it's nice." She said, spinning back around. Todoroki hummed, surprised by how she could take the temperatures of his Ice. The two walked up to the 5th floor, somehow not even scratching the Ice.

" This Quirk is insane." She heard Ojiro's voice say. She turned her head around, her ear twitching ever so slightly.

" Gah, I can't move! " She heard again. She started walking back, taking a left before appearing at an open door. They walked into the room, seeing Ojiro ready in a fighting stance. She placed two fingers together, the small light emitting quickly. A sudden whoosh surrounded Ojiro, two fingers tapping him on the head briefly. His eyes seemed to widen as his body moved to stand perfectly still. His tail fell into a less aggressive stance, but Ojiro was still struggling to move. 

" Pry yourself up if you want, but it might be hard to fight us with no skin on the bottom of your feet, much less no way to control yourself." Todoroki said. Shoto walked past Ojiro without fighting, causing Ojiro to let out a disappointed sigh. Shoto placed his left hand on the missile, All Might's voice blaring through the speakers.

" THE HERO TEAM WINS!" He said. Suddenly, a blast of heat seeped through the room and the Ice was gone.

" Don't blame yourself; we're just playing on different levels." Shoto said, walking away from the sad, karate teenager. Ojiro suddenly was able to regain himself, his tail shooting in every direction for a split second.

" But at least you tried." She said. The two walked out of the steaming room, Ojiro soon following. Kaori decided to break the silence.

" Well done, Shoto. I'm impressed." She said, turning to look forward.

" To you as well, Kaori. Your control is impressive." He said, glancing at her. She smiled a bit, before letting it fall promptly.

After All The Peoples Going

" That's a wrap! You really stood up to the challenge! And we didn't have any major injuries, except Midoriya. You should all be proud and once again, excellent first day of training!" All Might announced as they all stood at the training ground's entrance.

" It's nice to hear some encouraging words after our home room class. Mr. Aizawa was kind of a buzzkill." Tsuyu said, the class nodding in agreement.

" He's not that bad.." She muttered quietly under her breath.

" THEN I'M GLAD TO BRING SUCH POSITIVITY TO MY ALMA MATER! That's all for now folks! I need to go and check on Young Midoriya's progress! Now watch how a pro hero exits!" All Might said, dashing off into the distance.

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