Metting April and Casey: Donnie

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I was with Daddy in the living room. We were testing if Metalhead work. Until Daddy had to go fix Uncle Mikey t-phone again. I look at metalhead and smile." Hey guys!" " Casey stop do that, your going to end up scarying Donnie daughter." I saw a Boy and a girl. The Boy had a ugly face that black and white. He look at me and hiss at me. He had a bat out and started to come towards me. I scream and started crying." Casey that not funny!" The girl came over to me and hug, I hug back. The Boy was just laughing." Violet what's wrong?" " Daddy! That boy!" I pointed to black and white face boy." Casey take of that stupid mask, your scarying my daughter!" " I was just playing around with her geez." I hug Daddy and he pick me up." It's okay Daddy here." I look at the girl, then at Daddy." Who is she?" " That April she my friend." " Hi Violet."


Violet hug me, I hug back." That Casey, he sorry he scared you. Right Casey?" " Yup, I'm sorry." " It's okay. So what do u wanna do April?" I smile and poke her nose." Anything you want cutie pie." " We could games, Or work on metalhead." " We could do make over." " Yeah!" We got make up and start putting lip stick on eye shadow. Then Violet grab Casey hand and sat him down. We started doing make up on him. Then we watch a movie with Donnie. Violet and Donnie fell asleep during half on the movie. I smile and cover them and fell asleep next to them.

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