19. Change Of Ways

Start from the beginning

Izuku : Hi Aizawa. Long time no see.

Aizawa : I thought you were being held captive. And what happened to your hair?

Izuku : I was held captive, but I managed to get out. As for the hair, I have no idea.

Aizawa : Are you feeling good? Did they do anything to you?

Izuku : I'm doing fine. And yes. They did... Plenty. Enough for me to realize how much of a monster I am. But that's fine.

I say, staring at my fist before clenching it tighter.

Aizawa : Well, okay then. We gotta get you out of here and back to UA. Here.

He said, handing me the mask from my hero costume.

Izuku : Thank you, sir... But I won't be returning to UA.

Aizawa : What?!

Izuku : It's too dangerous to have me there. I might have better control over myself now, but my head also feels unstable. I don't want to risk hurting my class or teachers.

Aizawa : If something like that happens, we'll find a way to sort it out!

Izuku : It'll be too late by then. Besides, with this power... I'll be doing certain things heroes aren't allowed to do...

Aizawa : You don't have to do anything of the sort! You can become the hero you've always wanted to be! Now come, we have to go!

Izuku : Sorry Aizawa. I'm not going.

I say backing up and wearing the mask. I then released my kagune and destroying the wall next to us. Once it was destroyed, I jumped out and shot my kagune at the wall, catching myself and using it to climb up to the roof.

Aizawa : Izuku! Get back here! Dammit!

Aizawa Pov

Kamui Woods: *static* Eraserhead! Did you find the boy?! *static*

Aizawa : Woods! I found him but we have a problem! He doesn't want to return to UA either! Whatever they did to him has changed him a bit too! Both physically and mentally! He now has white hair! He's headed up to the roof!

Kamui Woods : *static* Roger that! Moving to intercept him now along with Death Arms! *static*

Aizawa : Be careful! He's much stronger than he looks! Especially right now! Approach him with caution!

Kamui Woods : *static* Eraser, he's just a kid. I can handle it. I'll just use my capture technique to subdue him. *static*

Aizawa : No! He just talk to him. He needs to come on his own accord!

Kamui Woods : *static* Okay, I see him. Wait, what's that in his mouth? Oh God, is that a hand?! What the fuck?! He's eating one of the villains! We're supposed to save this monster?! Why would UA want something like this?! Shit, he saw me! *static*

Aizawa : Don't move from your position! I'm on my way!

Kamui Woods : *static* Hey kid, stand down! We may be here to save you but what you're doing isn't heroic! If you don't stop I'll have to use force! *static*

Aizawa : No! Don't use force! Dammit, Woods, listen!

'Dammit, please, don't any of you guys do anything stupid!'

I thought as I climbed up the stairs to the roof. Once I got up, I kicked the door open and was met with bodies of villains everywhere.

In the centre, I saw more and more blood puddles until I saw two figures standing towards the edge of the roof.

Aizawa : Izuku! Are you here?!

I yelled out as I ran closer. Once I got close enough, I saw Death Arms lying on the floor and the figures as Woods and Izuku except Woods was being held by his throat.

Aizawa : Izuku, put him down!

Izuku : Aizawa? Why? He attacked me when I didn't do anything. I had taken out the villains up here and cut some of their fingers off so I could eat something when he jumped me. He attacked me full force for someone who came to "save me". How's that heroic?

Aizawa : That's my fault! I didn't tell anyone about your... situation so none of them knew! He just acted in the moment!

Izuku : ... Fine.

He said dropping Woods. He then turned to me.

Izuku : If you're still here to take me back, you're wasting your time. I'm not going back. It's my own decision. If you're wondering why I decided this, just take a look at the cameras for the basement over the past 10 days. What they did in there will answer your questions.

He said before falling off the edge of the building. I ran to the edge and saw him land on his feet before running full speed away from the building.

Aizawa : *Sigh* You really are, and always will be, a problem child.

I said, ending with a small chuckle.

'He said to watch the footage, so I guess I know what I'm doing for some time.'

Little did I know, that after watching the footage, my hate for the League would skyrocket more than anything else in the world.

Deku Pov

After I jumped off, I ran quite a distance away from the building just on case heroes or villains tried following me. I then slowed down to a casual walk, mask still on my face, however it was torn and had a big hole where the mouth should be.

' I need to fix that. It'll defeat the purpose of wearing it if they can still see my face through the hole.'

I walked around a bit more before finding an abandoned building. (A/N : Coz, yknow, they're just everywhere in fanfics like these where they run away or something.)

After some searching around and stubbing my toe with how dark the place was, I found a suitable place to sleep that had light from the moon coming through the window.

'It's not perfect, but compared to that chair, it's heaven.'

I thought as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

Yeah! Finally a chap since literally the last day of last year! *round of applause* Thank you! Thank you! Thank you very much! Anyhoozle, hopefully this is worth the wait. Not much action going for it, but meh, it took a while to get an idea of where I'd take this so I went with this route. But hey, what does a guy who is too tired for life gon do. You'd think I'd have more free time but nope. Anyway, yalls gon just have to make do with this. Bye!

A ghoul in a hero's world (BnhaxTG)Where stories live. Discover now