She saw Aphmau and Aaron on their own respective beds. Aaron was sitting up while Aphmau was still lying down. Even from a distance, Sylvana could see the black scars all over his body.

"Who—who are you?" Aaron asked, his head fixed in front of him. Something about his tone sounded icy.

She swallowed. "I—Aphmau's mom. You don't recognize me much, since I was always. . .busy."

He didn't say anything after that.

She turned to Aphmau, who groaned and sat up. "Mom?"

Sylvana approached her and placed the tray of food on the nightstand. She sat on the bed beside her. "He—hello, mija."

Aphmau smiled wearily. After a couple minutes of silence between the both of them, she said, "So why are you here, mom?"

"Oh! Uh, I'm here to get you some lunch." She handed the tray to her daughter. "You should eat now."

Aphmau reluctantly ate the food in front of her.

"How are you?" She plastered a smile.

"I'm. . .fine, I guess," Aphmau mumbled in reply.

Sylvana watched her eat her food for a while. "I. . .I'm sorry."

Aphmau placed her spoon down. "What?"

She looked at her, eyes glistening. "I mean, look at you! You still have a life to live! And you're spending your days stuck to this bed with your boy—"

"Mom!" she hissed.


He perked up when he heard his name.

Sylvana sighed. "My—my point is that I should be helping you, but the thing is. . .I can't. As much as it pains me to watch you suffer like this, mija, I wouldn't know what to do. My motherly care doesn't extend to magical worlds or deities. I'm so sorry."

Aphmau was about to say something when she talked over her. "Buttttt that doesn't mean that I'll be always here for you." Sylvana placed a palm over Aphmau's. "I will always be here for you. And I love you forever and ever and ever. . ." 

"Th—thanks, mom," she replied. 

Sylvana stood up. "Now, you should get some rest, mija." She looked at her food in distaste. "I hope you'll feel better, so I can cook quesadillas especially for you. They said I should stick to soup instead." She rambled on and on as she walked out of the room. 

In the hallway, she smiled. For her, that went pretty well. 

Aphmau sighed to herself. She moved her leg in bed, causing it to flare up in pain, but she was already used to it. She set aside her half-finished bowl of soup. She felt at ease and sad at the same time. 

Another guilt to live with, she thought. 

Zane and Kawaii~Chan watched the rain from the porch. The rain was loud and unending. The sky was gray, with a hint of light from behind the clouds. The atmosphere gave off a lethargic feeling that reminded him of the good old days. . .

But then his thoughts drift onto Garroth's whereabouts. His older brother had been missing for almost a week. Wherever he went, he didn't go far. This island was small. He might as well be in the forest behind the lodge. Even so, they didn't allow him to search. 

His stomach growled. 

Kawaii~Chan chuckled. "Are you hungry again, Zane?" she said in her usual high-pitched voice. It ruined the atmosphere and the mood. 

"No," he replied sternly. That ought to silence her. 

"You're worried about Garroth, aren't you?" she asked. "You only use your super deep voice"—she made a Zane impression—"when you're thinking about something."

Huh. Did he actually sound like that? He sighed. ". . Yes. He's been gone for a while now, and he might as well be dead or straving or being attacked or—"

"Awww Zane is secretly overprotective of his brother! So cute." She smiled. 

"Guess I am," he admitted. "You know, it kinda bothers me. You only know the true value of a person once you've lost them." He looked down. "When Garroth disappeared, I. . .I missed him." 

"Zane. . ." Kawaii~Chan patted his back. "He's going to be okay. Wherever he is right now." 

The rain eased. There were traces of orange interweaved with the gray clouds. The couple embraced the silence for only a moment. 

At the corner of Zane's eye, he saw a boat pull over of the dock. It had green lights and a gray hull. He recognized that boat, especially since he visited here a lot. 

Looks like Toby was going to make another announcement. 

New Normal: A MyStreet FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now