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We sprinted up the stone steps towards the huge mahogany door. Jason's assistant stepped forward, talking a few minature tools from her back pocket and expertly picking the lock. Luke, being the head of the mission, signalled to the other five of us.

Ready? Go. 

We ran in, Jason and his agent, Laura, running towards the kitchen to begin looking for Alice or her father. 

Luke and I ran up the stairs, followed by our agents. He looked at me, his eyes void of emotion, before running towards the second staircase, to the floor where the conference was taking place. I looked at the ground for a moment, remembering to be professional, before signalling for Michael, my agent, to follow me. 

We jogged down the corridor, checking eachother's cover, until we reached Linda's study. I clicked the door open, my back to the wall. With no sign of any guards, we walked in.
I ignored the shiver I felt and plugged my USB in to the computer, opening the hacking software and leaving it to do it's work while filing through sheets of paper, looking for anything interesting. Michael stood at the door, gun poised. The shiver returned, and I felt a lump in my throat, something felt wrong.

There was a small blip as the hacking software broke through the log in. The files on Linda's desktop looked incriminating enough to get her a life sentence, but I downloaded the whole hard drive onto the USB incase. 

Something flew past my ear and jarred into the wall behind me. I looked up as Michael fell to the floor, blood leaking from the back of his head as he dropped. My eyes widened as a huge, intimidating man walked in, pointing his silenced pistol at my head. A wave of nausea hit my body as I struggled to breathe properly, this wasn't happening. 

The man came behind me and stripped me of my guns, knives and earpiece.

I could hear the treading of footsteps from outside the door, and, after a moment, Luke walked in, with a knife at his throat held by an equally as intimidating man with a balaclava on.

The world spun a little as I realised the situation. This was an ambush. Luke's eyes were stone cold, but his tense jaw and slightly flared nostrils were more than a hint of how he felt. Angry.

"Right then." The man pointing the gun at me boomed, taking the USB from the computer and crushing it under his foot. "Shall we get going?"

He nudged the gun into my head, making me flinch. I walked forwards as demanded, Luke refusing to meet my gaze, and we were lead downstairs.

I begged for Jason to come and save us, but he was no where to be seen as we were pushed throught the kitchen and out of the glass back door to a small van, where we were bound at the wrists and feet and thrown in roughly. My head bounced against the floor, making my vision slightly blurry. It was too dark to see anything properly, and the small light leaking through the closed van doors offered little help.

"Luke?" I whispered, trying to urge my voice not to shake.

He grunted, sitting up against the van wall. He stretched his legs out and used his calves to drag me towards him, before helping me as well as he could, to sit up next to him.

"Thanks." I said softly.

"Cleo I need you to listen to me, this is so incredibly important. Do not provoke these people." His voicy was wavering, but I couldn't do anything to comfort him apart from rest my head on his shoulder.


He groaned, arching his head towards me.

"Why do I have to be here with you?"

My heart dropped. "Sorry."

He chuckled. "Shut up. I just don't want to see you get hurt."

For a moment an image of Luke in pain infront of me flashed through my head, making me curl up slightly.

"I know the feeling."


I looked up at him, "What?"

He stared at me for a second, barely visible, before kissing me on the forehead and facing forwards.

"Doesn't matter."

"Are we going to die Luke?" 

The Van lurched into action, making us jolt slightly.




Ok so uploads might be a bit slower because I'm going back and editing old chapters, I'll still be writing new ones as much as possible (which might be pretty often because I am feeling rather inspired) but I am also focusing on editing the first few chapters. Later.

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