Chapter 4

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There was nothing peculiar about the street, or the house, nestled in a quite suburban area. I haven't seen Alice in years, I hoped I had the right address. After surveying the area for potential threats I knocked on the door, to my surprise a teenage girl answered. "Can I help you?" She asked. " I'm looking for Alice" I asked, some what tentatively after being caught off guard by a child. "Mum" she shouted. Mum? Wow I had been away far to long.

"Amelia?" Alice said as she came to the door. "Hi" I said sheepishly. Alice threw her arms around me, " you send me 6 letters in 20 years, and then just show up on my door step, I swear to god your out of your mind" she exclaimed " but it's good to see you again."

After quickly ushering me inside, I realise she doesn't just have one child but she has three. " You've been busy" I say while indicating to her children. She laughs, " we'll that's the kind of thing that happens when you have to grow up" she states. " You didn't have to" I whisper. "Why don't you all go get ready for bed?" she says to her children as they leave her gaze goes cold, " you know I don't practise anymore, witchcraft only leads to harm. Why are you hear Amelia?"

" I'm looking for, how should I put this, information"

She raises one slender eyebrow, " what kind of information?"

" what do you know about what's happening in the south?" I ask. She sighs, " not as much as I'd like to know, that's for sure. I've only heard rumours, but I can tell you one thing, it was made by a witch, the most powerful witch around."

"So a witch could stop it?" I ask, making a list of every witch I know in my head. " No, I'm afraid not, it's out of control, it'll take a lot more than the average witch to stop it, but it needs to be exterminated and fast."

" What should I do?" I ask, she studies me for a moment, " you fight, you find everyone you can and you fight." I slump back in my seat, my mind searching for other options. " I can tell by your expression that was not the news you were hoping for" she says. " no it was not, and it's not like I can just not get involved. God, I need help" I moan. Alice laughs, " I could of told you that" she said, making me smile. I sigh "any ideas about how to fight it?" I ask. She laughs, "if only" she replies her tone a little edgy. " I should go, it was nice seeing you again Alice. I will write to you" I promise.

" if you need me again Amelia don't hesitate to call"


" Amelia, where have you been? I was beginning to worry" I heard Richmond call as i entered the hall. I ignore him and walk straight past to find Hugo. " I take it you didn't have a good time then" Richmond calls after me." Shut up" I yell back at him, I hear his laugh echo down the corridor behind me.

I find my whole family sat in a small garden at the back of the manor house, Clara spots me first " there you are Amelia" she said sounding relived. Hugo doesn't say anything he just walks over and hugs me, I think he senses something is very wrong. " are you okay?" he whispers in my ear. I let out a sad laugh. " I'm sorry but we might have to stay a while" I say.

"What's going on?" Luke asks, he's becoming inpatient. " there's something in the south, a demons of some kind" I pause to chose my words. " it's out of control and needs to be stopped, this is going to end it a war. I can't walk away, I fear for all of us."

I look from face to face, as they absorb my words. "What should we do?" Hugo asks. My reply, "learn fast."

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2013 ⏰

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