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Zac PoV

Zac! Help!!

Delilah's mindlink startled me. I suddenly started to feel a little pain in my neck, and then a weight lifted off of my shoulders.

Delilah? What's wrong??

I waited for her to respond to me, but she didn't.

Delilah? Answer me!

I know my tone sounded harsh, but I had every reason to be in a panic. The thought flooded my mind of my mate being hurt and killed. My vision was filled with rage.

"Daddy, up!" Tara was sitting on the floor and I quickly swooped her up and ran as fast as I could out the door. Once I made it to the court yard, I frantically searched around for my mate.

She was nowhere in sight.

A pain shot through my heart and I felt tears sting my eyes.

She was gone. And I wasn't there to help her.

Calm down, Zac. Use your senses.

I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes. I tried desperately to locate her. It's like she completely disappeared.

My next sense. I put my nose to the air and inhaled.

I caught a faint sent of vanilla and fabric.

Delilah scent.

I let my nose lead me and I ended up behind the building. There were tire tracks in the grass.

Somebody kidnapped her.

Who would do this? Ray? Her ex? Someone from hell?

Tara started crying in my arms. "Mommy."

I felt the sting of tears again myself and one escaped. "Don't worry little one, I'm going to find her. No matter what."

She burried her head in my neck and clung to me.

My body started to twitch. I could feel the demon in me trying to take over. I fought him off for as long as I could before I felt myself being drug into my mind, and my demon, Axel, take over.

My eyes were black and I knew my purple veins were showing. I couldn't have anyone seeing me like this, but I wasn't in control.

Axel PoV

Delilah has been taken. Everything in me was in pain, the thought that I would never be able to see her again. Zac was in a panic, so I took over. I rarely took control, but he wasn't gonna be useful.

I started following the tire tracks , and they went on the back road behind the school. I couldn't reveal myself to the humans, but I needed to travel fast.

My motercycle.

I quickly teleported to my families car garage in the mountains of LA, and hopped on my motercycle. I grabbed the oversized leather jacket and zipped Tara inside, so she couldn't see anything.

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