"Well, I was mugged. It happens." I reply with a shrug. We both lightly laugh.

Nash around the room nervously and puts his hands in his pockets. "So... Are you just gonna walk home?Because I can give you a ride if you want." Nash asks me.

"Oh, thanks but I'm good. I would've walked here too if it weren't for-"

"Yeah, I was just asking." Nash seems a little embarrassed, the reason being... well,I'm not sure.

I hug Nash. He seems surprised, and then hugs me back. "Thank you for helping me." I tell him meaningfully; because I'd probably still be in the alleyway if it weren't for him and Cam.

"No problem." Nash replies, pulling away from hug. "If you need anything just shoot me a text... I put my number in already."

"Okay," I reply, opening the door behind me. "I will. It was great meeting you Nash." I start to walk out of the house.

"You too. See ya' Lily!" Nash shouts from the doorway.

I turn around and wave. "Bye!" I walk the rest of the way to The House grateful to be safe, and to have met such a nice family... but mainly Nash and Cam.

Nash's POV

I watch Lily walk down the street, her brown hair blowing in the wind. I close the door, still smiling.

I'm not gonna lie, was surprised that Lily hugged me.

It was just a friendly hug, and out of great fullness. I did, in a way, save her life... sort of. But it's not like I can't think anything of it. The hug was warm, and genuine. A feeling came over me that I've never had during a hug, or ever, actually.

I'm lucky that I ran into Lily. I walk up the stairs, feeling like I'm walking on clouds.

"Dude, something's wrong with you." I hear. I look and see Hayes smirking at me. "You're in a daze. You're eyes are glossy. Is Nashy in love?" He mocks me.

I stomp past him, trying to be as mad as I could although I've never felt so good. "Shut up." I walk down the hall to my room, and slam my bedroom door. My body collapses onto my bed and I fall asleep right away.

I wake up to a ringing sound from my phone. My hand flails around my bed stand and grabs my phone. The light blinds me as I turn it on. 8:36. I have a text.

Hey. It's Lily. I told you I'd shoot you a text if I needed anything, and I could really use a hand with something. Any chance your free today?

I respond to her:

I'm free whenever. I was gonna hang out with Cam, so is it cool if he's there too?

Lily: Totally! I'll come over at 11. C u soon then!

Only 2 hours and 24 minutes to get ready. Actually, make that 22 minutes. I don't know why I'm freaking out about this. I text Cam.

Dude. Get over here. Now.

Lily's POV

I walk into my room. "How do I look?" I'm wearing my brown hair up in a high pony tail, a white sheer shirt with a teal tank underneath, jean shorts, and matching teal canvas shoes.

"Why does it matter?" Grace asks me.

"Because I'm going somewhere," I say. "And it's important. Not like I should be explaining myself to you,but I just need your opinion, okay?"

Grace sighs, gets up and walks to me. She places her hands on my shoulders. "Lily. You worry too much. Trust me, you look fine."

"That's all I'm gonna get out of you so thanks. I'm gonna go now."

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