Chapter 23 - Cabernet Franc

Start from the beginning

"Hiro! Candy's ready!" Hitsuki calls and Limoncello hears two figures approaching the kitchen. The dog barks and Hitsuki hands him a small dog treat. She hands a bag of hard candy to her husband.


"We can make caramel apples later if you want," Hitsuki hums. "I'm going to escort Limoncello out"

"Alright," Hiro hums and takes a seat at the kitchen island.

"Come on," Hitsuki smiles. She grabs a handful of bags and sets them into Limoncello's hands. "Remember that it's always ok if your first love doesn't work out,"

Limoncello nods before Hitsuki sends her out. "Stay safe darling,"

"Of course Hitsuki-chan." Limoncello smiles. Hitsuki watches Limoncello drive off and sighs as she heads back inside. Her dog barks and she sighs.

"What do you think I should do Hiro? Should I ask Whiskey about it?" She ruffles her dog's fur and he barks.

"Ask Whiskey about what?" Her husband pops up from behind the two.

"Matsuda." Hitsuki sighs. "I'm curious if Whiskey knows anything about him. I wanted her to revive him but I never heard back from her."

"Another person's alive?" Hiromitsu raises a brow. "Don't tell me you got Whiskey to revive the whole group."

"I'm not sure. I sent all their bodies to Whiskey after making a convincing replica but Whiskey never told me if the surgeries were successful," Hitsuki grumbles.

"I swear it's like Whiskey has her own army of revived people," Hiro shudders. "I wouldn't be surprised if my friends were still alive too,"

"Oh imagine Akemi's still alive," Hitsuki mumbles. "It'd be quite a thing,"

Hiro pauses in his movements and Hitsuki blinks in realization. "No way-"

"I've met a girl who looked exactly like her at some point," Hiro drawls. "It was a day after Akemi's death was announced on tv,"

"You whAT?" Hitsuki jumps. "SHE'S ALIVE???"

"I- I'm not completely sure! Even if she was, you wouldn't be able to contact her even if you tortured Whiskey," Hiro reminds.

"Give me a second," Hitsuki pulls out her phone and dials Whiskey. "Whiskey?"


"Is Akemi still alive?" Hitsuki holds her breath as Whiskey pauses.

"... who?"

"No, I'm asking you," Hitsuki's voice is slightly more stern this time. "You know what happens when you hide your patients from me,"

"I promise-"

"No, I just want the list of patients," Whiskey curses on the line and sends the code to her.

"If anything. Anything leaks out, you're being injected with that poison of ours." Whiskey seethes.

"Of course," The line cuts, and Hitsuki clicks on her phone. Sure enough, Akemi's name is on the list along with lots of other familiar people.

"... your group of friends" Hitsuki glares at the list. "Whiskey's been reviving too many people for her own good,"

"My friends?"

"All of them," Hitsuki glares at her screen. "Whiskey's saved around 30 people over 5 years,"


"She's only allowed one per year." Hitsuki pushes her hair back and sighs. "Sorry babe but I think I won't be able to cook tonight."

"No worries," Hiro kisses Hitsuki on the head. "I'll cook. Get working on the list babe,"

"Of course," Hitsuki treads up the stairs and Hiromitsu grins at their dog.

"Say, Hiro, wanna cook some steak tonight?"

Hiro barks in agreement.


Hitsuki clicks through her list of people. Each name had a number next to them, and each name had a fake date of birth and ID number. She scrolls through the database on Hiro's computer, and sure enough, every one written down had an identity and a number. Rosé curses and chooses to not get involved for now. The file is sealed into their shared file and she embeds the virus into the file. The spare copy sits on her desk.

"Hitsuki," Hiro places a plate of food next to her. "Eat first, you can plan Whiskey-san's downfall later,"

"Mmm," Hiro kisses the side of Hitsuki's eye and heads out. The girl pinches the bridge of her nose before she dials up a familiar number.

"Hey Champagne? Yeah about Whiskey..."


Fun facts about this chapter:

This was supposed to be the white day special oops-
Limoncello coded a virus for the group to use, only the four have the anti-malware device on their computers
Did I really kick this off and go off canon? HEck yEA!
Matsuda may or may not actually be Matsuda.
Champagne manages everyone's overall schedules. A day off means no coding for Limoncello



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