Chapter 8 - Syrah

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"Even so, why didn't you explain things to me first?" Haibara speaks up. "I was so shocked! I was brought into a room by Hitsuki after she nearly suffocated me to death and thought I was going to die. Then your mom was waiting for me there and told me that I had met your helper for the day. Our neighbor proceeds to hand me a phone and run off with Subaru!"

Haibara grumbles. "not to mention how Hitsuki knows my real name and all. She barely explained what was going on! I was terrified!"

"Wait suffocated? Real name?" Conan asks. "That wasn't part of the plan-"

"Hitsuki. She called me Shiho who the hell is she?!" Haibara yells.

"Actually, I'm not too sure either. She usually lays pretty low and helps out with disguises. I didn't know she knew about you either." Conan notes. "She moved in when I was seven and has kinda been cooking and baking for the neighborhood ever since"

"Plus, we weren't actually sure if the organization was on board or not" The professor speaks.

"I wasn't sure until my mom messaged me that Vermouth was on the train... I couldn't say anything out loud though, our cabin was bugged." Conan continues. "Subaru-san hacked your phone so he thought you were in trouble and told Hitsuki to find you. We're just glad that you followed Hitsuki like we predicted."

"Also, who the hell is that Subaru anyway? Why is he living with your mom in her house?"

"It's alright. He's on our side! And besides, my mom only comes home on the weekends occasionally." Conan notes.

"You still owe me an explanation too." The front door opens and Hitsuki glares at the boy. "You had Subaru knock me out with Chloroform and then your mom proceeded to explain to me that the black organization was after Sherry and they needed my help? The knocking out was completely unnecessary Kudo."

"H-Hitsuki-nee-chan I-"

"Wait. Sherry? Who even is she?" Haibara glares at Hitsuki and she smiles.

"But thanks to the plan" Hitsuki closes the door and sets the treats on the table. "We found out that Bourbon was the Poirot worker."

"Wait wait wait. How does she know about our identities?" Haibara stares at the woman.

"It's hard to not notice two unconscious children taken in by the overweight professor next door you know." Hitsuki grabs the places and places them on the counter. "Besides, I contacted Conan-kun and watched you guys search his house for evidence if he was alive. I flew out of the country shortly after you arrived at the Professor's house."

Hitsuki slices the cake and Haibara glares at her, unconvinced.

"Oh please Ai-chan!" Hitsuki whines. "I'm your mom for love's sake"

"Still doesn't change the fact that you called me Shiho!" Haibara grumbles. Hitsuki hands her a slice of cake and smiles in apology.

"How much do you want to know then?" Hitsuki smiles.

"Everything" Haibara glares, eyes softening after taking a bite from the cake. Hitsuki hands a slice to Conan and the professor before smiling.

"Some secrets can't be said right now. But I'll tell you I have no intention of harming anyone around me" Hitsuki smiles. Haibara senses honesty from her words and settles down.

"Alright Oka-chan" Haibara grumbles.

"Speaking of which, I heard that Amuro's been on sick leave since the incident." The professor speaks up.

"Why he was working part time at Poirot is still a mystery but he probably won't come back. Luckily he thinks Haibara died in the explosion" Conan speaks.

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