Chapter 12 - Tempranillo

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"Subaru? I swear if you knock me out-" Hitsuki starts before a cloth is put over her mouth. Not this again-


"So who is Kusuda Rikumichi?" Vermouth asks. "It looks like he was part of the organization. But the man didn't even have a codename! So even if he commits suicide with a gunshot. Who cares?"

"He's a key point to whatever Bourbon's up to." Champagne crosses her legs on the backseat and sighs. "Rosé's mentioned his name in the report as well. He committed suicide with a gunshot to the head."

"If you have to commit suicide with a gun, how would you do that?" Bourbon asks.

"That's obvious. By pointing the weapon to my temple" Vermouth speaks.

"Exactly! That way a sign of the bullet would remain on the skull. Even if the corpse was burned."


"There's another man who was killed by a gunshot to the temple and burnt. Just when Kusuda stopped reporting remember?"

"Akai Shuichi," Champagne laughs from the backseat. "That was Rosé's guess as well. Her analysis of the corpse with Whiskey confirmed that it was Akai though. DNA can't be altered you know?"

"But they could always alter the files" Bourbon notes. "Once I get my hands on the final piece of information, then we'll see if they really were loyal to you"

"So what is it? This last piece of yours..." Vermouth asks. A loud thud lands from outside and Bourbon checks the window.

"Someone just fell down the stairs" Vermouth hums while pulling her shades down her nose.

"Jesus and I thought we caused enough crimes" Champagne zooms in on the culprit and sighs. "He's an old man. Probably left-handed from the way his arms were shaped"

"hUH?!" Vermouth glares at Champagne and she sighs.

"Bourbon call an ambulance and the police. Make sure neither of us get caught by the police. It'd be a pain is we were recognized here"

"Of course"


Hitsuki grumbles at the incoming call. She was currently packing up her items.



"What's the issue darling?"

"I'm going to need a small favor from you"

"And what would that be?" Hitsuki grimaces at the request and gets to work.


Hitsuki fixes her wig as a call comes in.

"Limoncello darling."

"I have the files on Amuro Tooru. I also have files on a PSB agent that looks exactly like him. Rei Furuya, part of organization Zero. How much am I getting paid for this? I hate Champagne too but if Whiskey..."

"Don't worry about it, I'll transfer the money to your account. How does 7 million yen sound?"



"Why did you come here? There's no reason for you to be here is there?" Camel asks. Agent Jodie and Conan had just rushed into the hospital to check on Jodie's friend.

"She's my client you know..." Bourbon speaks. "Moreover, you seem like someone with a loose tongue."

"Hm?" Camel glares at him.

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