Don't take my warmth away

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Credit to vanillafingdongdie on Ao3

Summary: Beatrice always falls asleep first, and also happens to be a sleep talker.

Ava finds it amusing, and so utterly adorable.


The first time Ava heard Beatrice say she loves her, Beatrice was asleep. And it wasn't even the full three words.

But somehow, that was enough.

A sleeping Beatrice was always a magnificent sight to behold. At least for Ava, it was. Even if Beatrice was just sprawled across the bed, muttering something about organisms coexisting with each other.

And to be fair, she was right. Beatrice is always right.

Everyone was just organisms coexisting with each other.

Still, seeing Beatrice in the state she was in, stress free and peaceful and finally resting was absolutely adorable to Ava.

This wasn't out of the ordinary for the two of them, though. Beatrice was always the first one to sleep, and the first one to wake up. And Ava didn't remember when, but somewhere down the line, Beatrice had started sleeping in the warrior nun room every night instead of the room assigned to her.

So after renovations to the room was done, and Ava had accepted it to be hers instead of Shannon's, Mother Superion thought it was fit to give her a double bed. 'I fear you'd fall in the middle of the night with your constant fidgeting and endless energy.' She had said, but why did it seem like there was more to it? (Of course there was more, Mother Superion just wanted to nudge her and Beatrice along.)

"The mitochondria....powerhouse of the cell."

Ava's hands immediately shot up to her mouth in order to prevent the laugh that threatened to escape.

That's right, Beatrice is a major sleep talker.

That one surprised Ava quite a bit, but she's grown used to it now. She'd even skip out on the movies she had on the tablet in order to speak with sleeping Beatrice instead. Ava never told her about the late night conversations though, since she didn't want to embarrass the girl. She probably won't believe her anyway.

After the need to laugh has subsided, Ava carefully turned to the side and allowed herself to stare at Beatrice's sleeping form. She was much more refined when she had Ava to cuddle, Ava won't lie. Right now Beatrice was on her stomach, and her long dark hair was spread across the pillow her head was on.

She also took up most of the bed, legs everywhere and one arm dangling off the side while the other clutched another pillow, which always happened when she was the only one in bed to sleep.

And Ava never had the heart to disturb her when Beatrice would fall asleep like this. She looked so content, so carefree. Ava couldn't do anything but slip in as carefully as she can in order not to wake her girlfr—well. That's the thing. They both hadn't exactly established their relationship yet.

They shared a room at night, they kissed, everyone knew they were an item. Ava's pretty sure that Camila and Mother Superion are fighting over who gets to plan their wedding.

But the fact remains;

Beatrice is still a nun.

Rules have eased up on them ever since the Adriel incident, but that didn't mean that this was to be taken lightly.

They almost had a conversation about Beatrice's place here, about Beatrice revoking her vows, and what would happen further along, but it was quickly dismissed after Ava saw how uncomfortable it made the other girl feel.

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