I had been escorted her directly from the airport and had yet to wrap my head around what I had just done...all for someone who didn't feel anything towards me.

"Why did you do it, Agent Grizzle?"

Her question caused me to pause at the door. Why did I do it? Why did I give into her? Why did I give into my heart and ignore my brain?

"...because I thought we had something. I loved her."

Lauren may be my boss but she was also a motherly figure in my life, even though I flirted, she knew better. She was there since my first days here and watched me grow, guiding me. It was a shame I was never a keen student.

"If I had told you anything, Jovaughn is that your mission comes first. You complete your mission before you focus on anything else. We are tasked with protecting lives, protecting our country and justice. We pledged ourselves to this cause and we honour that before anything else."

I chuckled to myself as I crashed on my couch with a coke.

We all can't have nerve of steels like you Lauren. You were the best of the agency... I thought as I grabbed the remote, switching on my TV. I have my flaws and karma caught up to me.

This was what I was reduced to now, a coach potato; a man wallowing in rejection unable to get her out of my head.


She left...and the look in her eyes... It was over before it really began. I placed so much on the line and in the end...

Hit. Hit. Hit. Kick. Hit. Kick. Kick. Kick.

My fists and leg pound the punching bag, the chains groaning under the force of the blows. I was livid. Absolutely, fuming.

"Fuck!" I gritted as I pound the bag, my fingers pulsing.

'They're getting married tomorrow...'


'getting married tomorrow...'


'married tomorrow...'

Kick. Hit.


I knew she was going to move on with that fucking trash but that didn't make it easier. It didn't make it hurt less.

Fel had called earlier to deliver the news, according to her it was a shock to the staff as there was no preparation in place. They were going to have a small ceremony on the grounds with her parents as witnesses. The fucker wasn't even giving her a justified wedding and yet, she was going through with it!

My muscles were groaning in protest, sweat gliding down my frame as my blows came harder. I had long discarded my drenched shirt after the first hour and a half. Now two hours later, my anger hadn't subsided, my pain hadn't lessen and the love in my heart for her hadn't faded.

Why was she doing this? What was so important she had to marry that prick?!

I stopped steading the bag with my hands before resting my forehead on it and breathing hard. I just couldn't wrap my head around the reason why she would go through with the wedding. Even if she didn't feel the same about me, she knew of Nicalus' infidelity and regardless of what the Ryders had done for her... why would she condemn herself to a loveless marriage?

I sighed moving towards my beanbag, crashing as a heavy weight rested on my chest.

Sunlight was filtering through the blinds as it rose, dispersing the darkness of the night. The city below was alive, people chattering, cars honking and...here I was dead to the liveliness.

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