48 | Happy Birthday

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"It's all for you, big guy." His mum says as she sets a cup of hot cocoa with whip cream beside the plate of deliciousness.

Chris stares at his breakfast like it's the most breathtaking sight he has ever seen. "Thank you so much, mum. You're the best."

She spreads her arms for a hug and he steps into her arms and hugs her.
"You have no idea how grateful I am to have you as my son, Christopher Gregory Hayes. Every birthday is just a reminder that you're no longer a little boy. You're growing up way too fast."

"Mum, I'm only Eighteen," Chris cuts in.

"I know. You're no longer the little boy that always ran away in fear whenever you saw a doll or stuffed animal."

Chris pulls away from his mum with a flustered look on his face. He sights Emily with a gift box in her hands, trying to stiffen her giggles but she fails.

"I think you're just trying to embarrass me this morning."

His mum grins, "I'm not. You were really adorable and little then but now, you're all grown up and will be heading off to college next year. And it'd just be Emily and I." She ends with a sigh.

'You'll have Jason's dad by your side too,' Chris wants to say but he stops himself.

He stares at his mum and sees that she's getting sad and her eyes are already glossy with tears.

"Mum....." He begins to say but she interrupts.

"You need to make a wish..."

"I know, mum. It's my birthday. It's supposed to be a joyful day. Please don't be sad. Don't think about me leaving yet. I'm not even done with high school yet. Be happy and enjoy the time we're spending together now." Chris tells her softly.

Kate nods. "You're right. I don't know what's wrong with me."

"Nothing's wrong with you, mum. I love you so much."

"I love you too, my baby. Just give me a sec to get ahold of myself."

Chris smiles and remembers Emily is still standing there with his present. He looks at her and she gives him a sad smile.

"Hey munchkin. What's in there?" He asks. He knows she's probably thinking about him going off to college and he doesn't want her to.
The thought vanishes from her head as Chris asked the question.

"It's your birthday present from me," she smiles as she moves closer.

"Can I have it now?"

"Nope. You have to blow out your birthday candles and make a wish before I give it to you."

Just in time, his mum places his cake on the island and grins. She lights the candles.

"You didn't have to buy one, mum. I could have baked one myself."

"I wanted to. Now, make a wish and blow out the candles."

Chris smiles and closes his eyes. Instead of wishing something for himself, like that Steph likes him back -- he doesn't. He wishes that his mum and Emily find happiness and never get heartbroken again. Then he blows out the candles.

His family cheers and he laughs. Emily hands him the gift box and he goes to open it but she stops him.
"Open it later."

Chris looks at her suspiciously before turning to his mum. "Did you get this for her?"

"Nope. I have no idea what's in there. She just asked me to help her wrap it without checking what's inside." His mum replies.

"Uhm... Okay."

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