Did you just-

488 21 14

Requested by: Ayxilartza

I hope I did it right

"Ugh, I give up" Kyoutani grunted as he threw the pencil onto his open math notebook. "Pity, you were doing it right. Answer's 138" Yahaba hummed. Kyoutani groaned as he slammed his head onto the notebook.

"Wow you really suck at math" Yahaba remarked
"At least it's not as bad as you in Japanese lit" Kyoutani shot back
"Shush, we don't talk about that" Yahaba replied firmly. "Let's just take a break for now, I'm hungry" he added

"I'm not. Whaddaya want?"
"I dunno"
"Well, decide"
"Awee Are you gonna make something for your handsome boyfriend ken-chan?"
"Well duh" Kyountani grunted

Yahaba put a finger on his chin to show that he was thinking.
Kyoutani had no why he loved this devil since it was plainly obvious that Yahaba was only doing this to be annoying at this point
"Stay here" Kyoutani ordered. "I can make my own sandwich" Yahaba pouted in response.
"I'd rather not have you poking around in my kitchen" Kyoutani uttered as he left the room. As he was walking down the stairs Yahaba's voice came "NO LETTUCE EXTRA MAYO!!"

Kyoutani kept walking towards the kitchen. He didn't realize when but he had begun humming at some point. He started on the sandwich, making sure not to add lecture as per his boyfriend's request (order).

Pretty soon he had began singing. He hated how catchy that particular song was.

Just as he placed the final layer on the sandwich, the man himself's voice echoed in the kitchen "You're surprisingly good at singing"

Kyoutani turned his head at an inhuman speed upon hearing the voice, tips of his ears beginning to change colour to a pretty pink. "that's cute" Yahaba added.

"I told you to stay up there!" the bumblebee blonde growled, Yahaba put his hands up in surrender, presenting the excuse that Kyoutani was taking too long. "That's love story, isn't it?" Yahaba queried, already knowing the answer. Before Kyoutani even opened his mouth, Yahaba cut him off "Singing that for me Kyouken?"

'No!' The shorter exclaimed. "You are!" Yahaba cheered. The little shit, Kyoutani thought. "You want to get married? I'm blushing~ We're too young but I accept~" Yahaba teased.

By now Kyoutani was flushed even more so than when he confessed to the taller male, Not to mention resisting the urge to push Yahaba into a well or something ( Then get him out cuz he's soft for creampuff-chan). "I'm not getting in a dress though, I'll wear a tux, You can wear a dress. Let's have a spring wedding K? Then-" Yahaba's teasing halted when his sandwich was shoved straight into his mouth by his boyfriend. "Just eat your damn sandwich!"For the millionth time, Kyoutani was glad his parents weren't home.

Yahaba smirked, visibly too even though he had a mouth full of sandwich. It was the same grin he had on whenever he knew he had successfully teased his boyfriend enough to be satisfied. Kyoutani was glad that Yahaba couldn't keep being annoying even if he wanted to, which he did.

Kyoutani then pushed the taller up the stairs in a hurry to leave the kitchen alone, His mom would kill him if anything was out of place and she couldn't find it.

They both had settled on Kyoutani's bed. Yahaba was finishing up his sandwich, which was pretty big compared to the ones he made, healthier too. Maybe that's why Kyoutani has muscle mass, Yahaba thought. Kyoutani, meanwhile, was thinking of what to say after his boyfriend had caught him singing 'love song' of all songs. It wasn't much of a decision anyway he just did why he always did. As Yahaba tossed the last piece of the edible, Kyoutani uttered "Tell no one" in a gruff and (not to Yahaba though) Intimidating tone.

Yahaba, though, grinned even wider if that was even possible. He still wasn't tired apparently. "You're so predictable Kyouken" He stated

"I'm what?" Kyoutani challenged in a low, gruff tone, even more than usual.

"You're predictable, I knew you would say that" Yahaba repeated. "well," the blonde started just before tossing a pillow at the grinning ash brown.

"I knew you'd do that too" Yahaba boasted smugly

the next object thrown at Yahaba was Kyoutani's math notebook, Which Yahaba barely dodged. "Predictable."

Next came Yahaba's pencil case, which he also dodged, "Pre-dict-a-ble" Yahaba sang.

Kyoutani's hand felt around the bed looking for more objects to throw, eyes still fixed on the older's cocky expression. It didn't take long to realize that everything else was on the study table, which caused the bumblebee blonde to scrawl even more. Then, Kyoutani's brain finally figured it out. He just had to stop thinking.

Hence, He threw himself onto Yahaba who screamed like a little girl for about half a second before regaining his composure. "what the hell!" Yahaba squawked. The position was quite suggestive, with Yahaba on his back and Kyoutani hovering over him, his hands on both sides of Yahaba's head, holding him up. Yahaba seemed to know this guessing from his expression.

"Am I really predictable?"
Yahaba stared up at him in silent demand to get off. Kyoutani knew he already won but why not use an opportunity presented to him?

Kyoutani's hands traveled down to Yahaba's torso, Yahaba knew what was going to happen and reacted quickly, firmly grabbing Kyouhani's hands and ordering "Don't. You. dare."

Yahaba's empty warning wasn't heeded and Yahaba bi0rst into laughter anyway. He kicked his legs during his little fit of laughter in an attempt to get Kyoutani to stop his attack on Yahaba's stomach.

"Youre just as ticklish as you suck at Japanese lit aren't you?" Kyoutani teased, returning the favour. Yahaba countered best he could, yelling "No!" in between laughter and intakes of breaths, kicking aimlessly.

Yahaba had the kind of laughter that made butterflies eat at his intestines, the type of laughter you'd expect from only Yahaba, loud and obnoxious with ugly snorts. His beautiful laughter paired with his Laughing face was something he'd never get tired of. He could hear that laughter on repeat for hours.

Eventually, Kyoutani took pity on the boy under him. When Yahaba sat up, the first thing he did was wipe the drool traveling down his chin with a glare aimed at Kyoutani.

"Cuddles" Kyoutani ordered
"Exams are right around the corner we need to study" Yahaba deadpanned
"Let's do Japanese lit then" Kyoutani suggested.
Yahaba knew Kyoutani wouldn't take no for an answer. Most of all he didn't want to give Kyoutani the pleasure of knowing that Yahaba didn't even know which chapter they were on.

"We can cuddle for a little while then we'll go back to math" Yahaba bargained
Kyoutani hummed in response. Sure, Kyoutani loved how obnoxious his boyfriend could be, but he apperatiated the quite, comfortable moments too.

"you better not tell anyone about what happened in the kitchen"
"You wish, the entire team's gonna hear "

Never mind what Kyoutani thought earlier, Yahaba's a jackass.

I imagined a Kyouhaba love child but now I can't get him and his adventures out of my mind. Goddammit.

Also sorry for the long wait, I hope you liked it 😊

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