I nodded my head but I still didn't like the fact that I might be living under the same roof as Stark. The bell rang and Ashton threw away his stuff. We held hands, people gave us weird looks and making comments but I tried to ignore them. 

(End of the day, Luke pov)

It was ten minutes after the final bell rang and Ashton and I were still at my locker. The hallway was empty. I knew my brother was outside waiting for me but he could wait. Ashton kept giving me kisses all over my face. Finally he kissed me on the lips. My phone ringing ending the kiss early. Ashton let out a groan when I pulled away. It was my brother. I denied his call. 

"I better get going." Ashton gave me a sad look. I rolled my eyes. I grabbed my rose that Ashton gave me earlier. 

I walked out of the school with Ashton next to me. My brother was parked straight ahead. 

"I wish I could hang out today really." I stated, Ashton just shook his head. "Its fine." 

I reached the car, my hand on the handle. Ashton gave me a quick kiss. I opened the door. "I'll text you!" He called out before running off to his car. 

I got in the car. Closing the door. 

"About fucking time." I nearly jumped out of my seat, Stark was in the back seat. 

"Why are you here?" I groaned turning back around. My brother shushed me. "Jessie is over and she wanted me to bring him home with us." 

I rolled my eyes. My brother asked about the rose, but I didn't reply. He knew it was from Ashton, I didn't see why he had to ask about it. Once home I basically ran into the house. I ran up the stairs, ignoring my brothers calls. I closed my bedroom door and leaned against it. I don't think I could handle Stark being near me 24/7. I calmed down and put the rose down on my desk. My bedroom door opened and my brother walked in. 

"Luke, listen to me." I sat down on my bed, avoiding my brother. "I have decided that Jessie will not move in, but that doesn't mean she won't be over a lot. Now with Stark, she has said he shouldn't be here a lot. He is old enough and he will most likely stay at their house." 

I was pleased to hear that they wouldn't be moving in. But then again, that didn't mean he wouldn't be over. I didn't say anything, I knew he expected me to say something but I didn't. 

"Also Jessie made dinner, come down and eat." My brother said left before I could make up an excuse. 

Just great. I would just go down and say I was sick. It usually works. I made my way downstairs into the kitchen. My brother was sitting next to Jessie. The only chair open next to Stark. Stark was already eating, not noticing me walking in. She had made hamburgers with fries. It used to be one of my favorite meals. Plain and simple. 

"Jessie, I love that you made all this but I ate a lot for lunch. On top of that I don't feel that well." I lied. I tried to use the nice card. Maybe it would be easier to escape upstairs. Stark gave me a weird look. 

He knew I didn't eat anything for lunch. My brother gave me a look. 

Jessie gave me a sad look. "I'm sorry you don't feel well Luke. Maybe just make yourself a plate so you can eat it later?" She suggested and I nodded. I wouldn't actually eat it later. I would just pretend that I did. Throwing it all away was the plan. 

Before I went back up to my room I thought it would be nice to say something. "Thanks anyways." I gave a fake smile, Stark was still watching me. 

I knew Jessie didn't like me as she gave a forced smile. "Anytime, feel better!" 

I ran up to my room and closed the door. I walked back and forth in front of the mirror in my room. I took off my shirt. I wanted to throw up at the sight of my chest. There were yellow patches, they were just old brusies finally fading away. I didn't have any new ones. Thankfully Stark and his group haven't actually done anything. After today I wasn't really sure if it would stay that way. After being pushed into my locker and punched in the face I had a feeling things would start again. 

I ran my fingers over my wrists. Dozens of lines, cuts covered my arms. I didn't realize I was crying till I felt it drop onto my wrist. I wiped my tears but they kept coming. I sat on the floor crying into my hands. Why did everyone hate me? Why was I so fat? Why did I have to become the school freak? Why did this have to happen to me? Why me? 

I needed a release. I needed to cut. 

I got up from the floor making my way to my closet. Just as I got there, there was a knock at my door. I didn't think much of it. Thinking it was my brother, I opened my door expecting to look into blue ones. Instead I looked into brown ones, Starks. He opened his mouth open in shock looking at me. I realized then he could see my chest, my wrists, and my red eyes from crying. I went to close the door but he stopped me. 

He opened his mouth but didn't say anything. Finally after a minute of standing there he said two words I thought he would never say. 

"I'm sorry." He gave me one last look before running down the stairs and I could hear the front door close.

I closed my door, making my way to my bed. Ignoring the fact that I needed to cut. I laid down thinking about what just happened. Falling asleep to my thoughts.

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