The Painful Truth

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It's the night after the attack and Y/N and Jeff are having a few drinks while debriefing the events of the night before.

Y/N didn't go to work today, calling in about the incident yesterday evening. She's missing work often as of late.

She told him everything and he was just as baffled as her. But at the same time, he wasn't. Jeff has never liked these proxies so he wasn't surprised Toby became wicked and hostile towards his girl after becoming one.

"Being a proxy changes you." Jeff simply states, marvelling at the crimson coloured wine in his glass, swishing it around inside the transparent bowl. "I kill for my pleasure. I pick my victims. I could never be a slave to anyone."

He's a strange one, Y/N realizes this the more she gets acquainted with Jeff. Not strange in the way one would think; his motivation, beliefs, and contributing factors to who he is are all very unique.

Jeff opinions on sanity and crime possess a lot of individuality. He doesn't like to do as he's told, that's why he's an labeled assailant in the first place. He can't stand the law trying to make him conform to a system where normality is the standard. But what the hell does it mean to be normal anyway? Jeff doesn't fit into this society of fakery and deceit. He believes everyone is a little dark and demented in their own way, he's just someone who's proud to admit it.

Jeff is a Hedonist. Hedonists are one of the most common types of serial killers, all differentiated by their motivation for murder. For a Hedonist, that motivation is pleasure and when divided into 3 categories consists of lust, thrill or comfort. For Jeff, he enjoys the thrill of taking another's life and knowing he will get away with it. He kills for his own entertainment. This is where he and Toby differ as murderous men. Toby is a Visionary killer. He kills to serve a higher power than himself rather than for his own personal gain.

It's pure biology that failed Jeff, his brain just isn't wired right. Many psychopaths often become the menaces they are because of environmental factors but this is not the case for Jeff as he came from a relatively stable home with two present parents and loving brother. It's a shame, so much potential in him. He had the brains to do big things before the accident but because he dropped out of school, he's education was halted at a 9th grade level. He is still intelligent. He must be when he is a mastermind at murder and vile crimes, easily escaping conviction time and time again.

Y/N concluded most of this while working as his doctor and his tale never fails to fascinate her.

They continue talking more about Toby.

"You know. . . I think Toby was stalking me long before he even tried to kill me." Y/N starts, finishing off her wine.

"Stalking you?" Jeff's head turns to her, 'brows' furrowed.

She begins to tell him about how she's noticed little things around her house that are misplaced or missing. The shoe prints through the halls, doors left open that she is certain she shut. She never bothered to call the police, knowing they would just brush her off like they did in her last stalker incident. She first noticed something was wrong when she woke up one morning in nothing but her underwear, the uniform she passed out in was folded neatly at the edge of her bed. Half of her sleeping pills were gone as well.

"You sure you didn't just take a bunch of pills and forgot that you changed out of your clothes?" Jeff jokes, not taking her concerns seriously.

"I'm certain. And my favourite pair of underwear was gone too!" She sighs, rubbing her temple. A headache comes onto her suddenly. God, my head, she grimaces to herself. Waves of static sound flow through her eardrums, causing an awful ringing. "You know that's the second time my panties have been stolen?"

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