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The odd name carved into the dock would not leave Rey's mind. She had never heard of that name before. She wondered if maybe it was a native or foreign name.
As she helped her uncle with the last bit of preparations for his business party that night many questions swirled.
Who was this Kylo? She assumed the name to be male, but had no real way to confirm it. Also why was he communicating with her this way? Why didn't he just come up and say hi? Surely if he was able to get around unseen he had to be local. Maybe her uncle knew the name?
"Uncle," said Rey.
"Yes Rey what is it?" She didn't want to give everything away so she approached the question cautiously.
"Do you know of anyone by the name of Kylo?"
Rey jumped and turned to see the bowl her uncle had been holding shattered on the ground. He was pale and staring at her intensely.
"How do you know that name?" His intense glare was unsettling. She took a step back. "TEll me how you know that name."
"What's wrong?"
"REY tell me how you know that name!"
"I saw or heard it somewhere is all. What's wrong?" Her uncle seemed frantic. He completely ignored the sharp pieces of ceramic on the floor as he walked towards her.
"You must never speak of that name. Stay away from the lagoon. If he approaches you stay away. You are never to go back to that lagoon."
"Uncle it's just a name. Why are you acting this way?"
"Kylo is dangerous. Stay away from the lagoon. Do not talk to him. Do not go in the water. Stay Away!" He stormed off. The slam of his office door told her what she needed to know. She crept quietly to the door and pressed her ear to it. She could hear grumbling and the shuffling of papers
"Luke. He's found her."
"Are you sure?"
"She knows his name..."
"That doesn't mean he knows who she is. We hid her. He probably senses something about her, but he may not know what."
"We can only hope."
What the hell??? What's so scary about this Kylo guy? What do they mean they hid her??
Rey was even more confused than she had been before. But also more curious. She had to know who this Kylo was and why they were afraid of him and why he was communicating with her in such a strange way instead of talking to her like a normal person. But either way she knew it was going to be difficult. Her uncle was going to be watching her much more closely. It was going to be hard to get away. She would have to try that night while he was distracted.

Secret tails and eclipses (reylo)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang