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Kylo studied Rey's shocked face as he recounted the old prophecy.
"My dreams. My dreams. How is that in my dreams?" She kept thinking.
"What dreams?"
"Really not every thought is for you Kylo."
"Show me," he said, coming towards her. She backed away from his outstretched hand. "Show me," he said again. His fingertips brushed her temple and his eyes joined hers:

Rey stared up at the sky falling the path of the moon. The ocean waves lapped at her body. The moon was moving into the earth's shadow. A lunar eclipse was coming. The moon was turning to blood. She could feel the dark energy as it hummed in the ocean.
    "AAAAAGGGGHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!" Rey turned toward the cry. On the sand of a small island was a woman with long brown hair. Beside her were two men. The woman looked to be giving birth.
    "NNNoooo! NOT now!" the woman wailed. "I have to wait!"
'    "You can't wait," said one of the men. "The baby is coming now."
    Looking back to the heavens Rey watched as the last bit of silvery moon turned red. No sound was heard as it turned beside the movement of the waves.
    A baby began to cry.
    Called by the ocean, Rey dove down into the depths. Her body was no longer the form she knew. Her legs had fused, they propelled her smoothly through the water.
    A mirror waited for her on the ocean floor. She stared into it, seeing reflected back that she wore a silver crown studded with pearls of many different colors. Hovering behind her she could make out the figure of a man with long dark hair, and eyes that cut through to her soul. He too wore a crown, but his was gold.
    When she turned to face him, he wasn't there. She felt a hand on her shoulder. At his touch her body felt electric. A strong force ran through them both, connecting them to each other, to the ocean, and to the moon and sun.
    Again she whipped around to find him, but yet again he was gone. She looked around trying to find him and saw a shadow far above her, moving towards the surface. With a flick of her tail she took off to follow.
    When her head broke the water's surface she was shocked by bright silvery light. Shielding her eyes she looked to the sky and saw the sun in full eclipse. A bright halo of silver shining out from around the moon blocking the sun.
    Again she could feel the hum of power and magic through the ocean. A whisper could be heard above the breeze.
Balanced will be found in two
With births eclipsed by moon and sun
Apart they will not remain
Together they shall reign
Bride and groom
King and queen
Sorcerer and Sorceress
Silver and Gold their Crowns
With the ocean at their will

Aside from the beginning the dream echoed his own. And the birth she saw, it was his own. He had been born during the peak of a lunar eclipse. He had known that the prophecy talked of him, but her dream confirmed what he had been already certain of, she was the other half. The princess of Endor was said to have been still born the day after the solar eclipse, and that had to be a lie.
So much of her life was based in lies. But lies he understood well. The lies his own parents told him when they sent him away, his magic having grown stronger than they knew how to handle, and being too distracted by the threats facing their kingdom to focus on their heir. When the kingdom was falling to ruin his uncle Luke abandoned him. The supreme sorcerer took him as an apprentice, and his power has grown, and through him Kylo will reclaim his throne and his kingdom. And now he knows this girl, Rey, is the one meant to complete him and his conquest. She would be the key to uniting the kingdom.
"What was  that? Tell me Kylo." Her expression betrayed her fear. She didn't understand what was going on.
"These began when you came here didn't they?"
"Yes," she said.
"It is the call of the ocean. The magic was trying to tell you the truth, tell you where you belong. And that is here..." He paused. If he told her too much she might flee again, but if she sensed a lie she may also leave.
"I don't understand. What does this have to do with me?"
"You and I and this prophecy... It is complicated to explain."
Rey pursed her lips, a clear sign of irritation.
"Try." she demanded. He took her hands and brought them to his temple:
Rey floated before him, surrounded by silvery light. She was reaching for him and he for her but their hands couldn't touch. In a flash of red light, Rey disappeared. He called to her, over and over again, but she was gone.
The scene shifted.  Kylo was staring into a  large sunken mirror. A large jagged crack in the mirror bisected his face. A gold crown sat on his head, the crown of his kingdom. Lying on the sand beneath him was a smaller crown of silver. He ran his fingers over the silver crown, it was the crown of another kingdom, the kingdom with no blood heir, the kingdom from which he had been promised a non existent bride.
The crown on his head was incredibly heavy, pressing down on him, but the crown in his hands was light.
"We are two halves of one whole," said Kylo.
During this ordeal of sharing dreams, they had come very close together, their bodies inches apart. His hands were clasped over hers as they rested with her palms on his cheeks and her fingertips to his temple.
"I am no one. I've always been no one," said Rey.
"You were never no one."
"Then who am I?" Rey's thoughts were swirling in her head,making Kylo cringe as she practically shouted in his brain.. "You know don't you?"
"Yes," he said hesitantly.
She took a deep quivering breath, her anxiety obvious, and bowed her head slightly, bringing their foreheads together. Her fingers traveled up slightly, tangling themselves in his hair. His heart quickened at their proximity. She probably did not realize what she was doing, how her nervous touch, her need to find something to physically hold onto was terrorizing his body, his instincts to transform bubbling to the surface. His scales tingled causing him to shift slightly in his position on the rock ledge, fighting his physical desire to take human form.
"Tell me... please."
He could not lie to her, and he sensed she knew vaguely  the answer but needed to hear it said aloud. She needed him to say she was powerful and important. That she was needed. That she belonged. He needed to tell her she was born a Princess, and that he was born a Prince. That everything, the universe itself wanted this, wanted them together.
"You were born the Princess of Endor. And while I am sure there was a name for you, it was never announced." Her eyes grew big at the statement and her finger gripped his hair tightly. The pull of his hair sent a shiver down his spine as she dipped her head down into the crook of his neck. He dropped his arms to wrap them around her small form. After a moment she looked up at him, their bodies pulled close, faces inches apart.
"Thank you," she said aloud. Her eyes were hooded as she looked up at him, fingers still in his hair. Though water ran from her hair down her face, Kylo could sense that tears were a part of the mixture.
His blood ran hot, and the flush to her cheeks told Kylo so did hers. He said nothing, but grazed her lips gently with his own. A slight gasp escaped her lips before she returned the gesture, deepening the kiss. Kylo traced her lips with the tip of his tongue coaxing her to give him entrance which she was quick to oblige. He brought his hands up to cup her face, and one to grasp gently at the back of her neck.
Rey's own hands gripped his hair tightly, as though he was the only thing anchoring her to this existence. Her tongue responded to his own, more timid, but willing. After a few moments, she was the one to break the kiss. Breathing deeply through her nose as leaned back to look at him.
"Oh my god." She thought. Kylo smirked. Her face grew red. She had enjoyed that very much. "Fuck." She covered her face with her hands, her embarrassment and attraction clear without him needing to hear her thoughts.
But it was the other emotions that followed that he could not accept. Where were they coming from?No. no. This would not do. The shame and insecurity he could feel coming from her was unacceptable. She was too beautiful, too powerful to feel such emotions.
He reached for the hands and gently pulled them from her face.Her golden eyes met his before she looked down and turned away shaking her head.
"Vulnerable. Easy. always so fucking easy to manipulate" she thought "aggh he can hear this. Fuck fuck fuck." She tried to push him away but he would not be easily dissuaded.
Someone had bred these feelings into the core of her being. Lies about her worth, her intelligence. Tried to destroy a strong and powerful princess, his strong and beautiful bride.
Gently, but firmly he held her chin and turned her face towards him. He held her gaze in his. Her mind quieted as he looked into her eyes. He let the barriers around his thoughts fall. Allowing her to hear more.
"Never," his inner voice growled the word. Impressing its importance to her. He could never think those things of her. He pulled her back to him, pressing his lips to hers.
Kylo's lips pressed against her own. The word he spoke felt to be a promise. But how could she accept it? This man she didn't know, but to whom she felt inexplicably drawn. She gave in to the second kiss.
She could tell he was letting her hear more than before, but each thought was barely a whisper and moved so quickly she could hardly catch them but the emotion behind them was strong. She could sense attraction and excitement, but it was darker undertones she was unsure of.
As he pulled away she heard one thought clearly, "Rey," and one that was much quieter, unintentional but strongly felt, "Mine". Protective, Possessive. 
Again Rey found herself pushing away quickly. Everything he had told her was sinking in. It was too much. She was her own. She did not belong to anyone, not anymore. She felt something hardening in her stomach. She would not be taken so easily by another man. His promise be damned.
"Rey!" He looked confused by her reactions. Her thoughts were going so fast he was probably having a hard time keeping track.
She shook her head aggressively and pushed him back. "No!" she said aloud. He reached for her arm but she shook him off and dove straight into the water.
She heard him immediately follow. She was not faster than him. He was in front of her instantly. Instinctually she darted under him and made it through the entrance of the cave into the open lagoon. As soon as she was in the open water she made the mistake of looking back and seeing dart out of the cave towards her.
"Wait!" He reached for her and managed to grasp the end of her tail and pull her back towards him.
"No!" She flailed and twisted, somehow managing to smack him square in the chest with her powerful tail. He was stunned, but unharmed. "I belong to no one." She was shocked but she moved quickly back towards shore.
Rey guessed Kylo got the message because he did not try to follow her further. As the water got shallower it was harder to swim. She pulled herself onto the sand beneath the deck. Wishing and begging to be able to run up towards the house. Whatever she did must have worked, but what it was she had no idea. Her tail shifted back to legs.
She moved like a toddler, feet uneasy, her balance off as she scrambled up the shore. The sun was setting over the lagoon. She spared a look back and could swear she saw a head above the waves.

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