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Hux straightened his tie in the and slicked back his fiery red hair. One's appearance is important in others perception. The better and sharper he looks, the more powerful and intimidating he will seem. He lived for power. He lived for control.
Today's agenda saw him meeting with that blasted Kenobi again. The meeting wasn't cancelled and he hadn't heard of his niece going missing, so she must have made it out somehow. He rubbed his thumb over the smooth silver pendant in his pocket, and a smirk played on his lips. He was rather disappointed that he had not been able to have his way with her before she fell in the water. She was rather alluring, he'd enjoy the chance to get his hands on her hot young body again.
He was getting tired of dealing with Kenobi. He had been trying for three years now to get the rights to that lagoon. Something was down there, power was down there. Deep in the ocean depths this power existed, but that lagoon had in the past several years had shown activity, and it was the only place they could explore, everywhere else being too deep. It was his boss who enlightened Hux to this power, and showed him just a taste of what it could be. Now he hungered for it, but Kenobi stood in his path. One way or another he was going to get past Kenobi.
A knock at the door roused Hux from his thoughts.
"Enter." The door opens and in walks Kenobi. "Ah, Mr. Kenobi, please have a seat." Hux smiled his usual self assured grin, but his lip twitched ever so slightly in annoyance. He wanted this to go quickly, he already knew the results of this meeting.
"I'll stand. This we'll be quick," said Kenobi frowning. "As I have told you repeatedly you are not getting my permission to access that lagoon." Hux's smile turned into a tight frown.
"Well then," sneared Hux, "I guess we'll just have to find some other option." The malicious in his voice was obvious, but Kenobi didn't flinch. With that, Kenobi turned and went back out the door.
Hux turned to his desk and picked up his phone. He hit speed dial 1.
"He refused," said Hux. "It is time to move on to a more forceful plan."
Ben Kenobi was quick to leave Hux's office. He knew that he was somehow aware of what laid in the ocean's depths, but how he had come to know he had no idea.
He needed to get back to Rey. He feared that he was losing the ability to keep her safe from the prophecy. She had been in the water. But whether anything else had happened while she was in there, he didn't know. She couldn't remember what happened that night, so he had no way of knowing.
When he arrived back at his house, his fears seemed to be confirmed. Rey was nowhere to be found in the house, and there were footprints in the sand leading down to the lagoon.
He rushed to his office and grabbed the the large shell sitting on his shelf. He filled the shell with seawater and began to focus on the image of his friend, Luke.
"Ben, what is it?"
"I think she has learned the truth, " said Ben.
"Then the prophecy is coming true," said Luke.
"The outcome of this prophecy is still uncertain. Are you sure that this is the correct path, trying to keep them apart?"
"Darkness found him, we have no way of knowing that he will not harm the kingdoms," said Luke.
"I will do as you wish and try to separate them, but what has begun will complete itself, " said Ben with a grim frown.

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